Be Well Everywhere eTwinning Projesi

eTwinning Projesi

İtalya,Moldova,Slovakya,İspanya ve Türkiye’den proje ortaklarımızla eTwinning’in bu yılın teması olan ‘Wellbeing at School’ temasına uygun olarak farklı etkinlikler planladık ve başarıyla uyguladık. “Be Well Everywhere” is an e-twinning project that aims to promote well-being of the students with the activities that will be carried out at school. As schools are the places where the students are provided safe and nurturing environment. During this project we are going to look into different aspects of well-being such as mental, social, physical, spiritual etc. Because according to the World Mental Health Report of WHO (World Health Organization); “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Moreover, according to UNESCO’s “Strategy on Education for Health and Well-Being”, it is stated that “There is good evidence that education strongly impacts health outcomes (such as health behaviours and use of preventive services).” Based upon all these, we have created a project that is going to last 6 months. In each month, we as the project partners are going to carry out one different well-being activity. Thanks to these activities, we plan to promote their well-being while having fun at school.