Ministry of Higher and Secondary specialized education of Republic of Uzbekistan
Jizzakh Polytechnical Institute

Call for Papers
Dear Colleagues!

You are invited to the International scientific-practical conference on the theme: “WOMEN’S ACHIEVEMENTS IN SCIENCE, CULTURE AND IN BUSINESS SPHERES” which will be held in 9-10 June, 2017.
(Uzbekistan, Jizzakh city).
There are noticed participating of scientists higher educational institutions, executive stuff of women’s committees, as well as members of regional women’s committees, collaborators of non-state organizations, specialists, researcher-scientists, bachelors and masters, scientists of foreign and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Sections of Scientific-practical conference:
1-section: Women’s position in the development of society and developing of spiritual sphere in conditions of globalization;
2-section: Actual issues of economical modernization, effectiveness of business activity and social-economical development tendencies;
3-sections: Innovational technologies in economical, industrial, energy and transportation spheres, informational communications, creating modern program, provision and implements issues;
4-section: Actual issues of ecology of environment, technologies of without waste products and ecological security products;
5-section: Position of family and educational organizations in education, information society, library culture and youth education;
The following issues are discussed in scientific-practical conference:
• Women’s position in the development of society in the conditions of globalization and the development of spiritual sphere;
• Position of family and educational organizations in youth education of globalization society, as well as propaganda of library culture;
• The problems of strange ideas, unhealthy tendencies and human traffic;
• Developing of women’s sports and raising of its popularity;
• Actual issues of productions, ecological security products, environmental ecology, technologies of without waste;
• The mutual relations, as well as mankind, society and personality and the problems of gender equality;
• Learning and popularity of foreign languages in family and educational establishments;
• Nowadays state of mother and child healthy in Uzbekistan and its prosperities;
Articles and theses may be preceded in Uzbek, Russian and English.
Conference materials are provided for publishing as a collection. Articles and theses are selected by organization committee of conference.
The requirements for articles and theses:
• Articles and theses should be sent to e-mail jizparn@mail.ru pointing section until 20 May, 2017. See Appendix -1.
Authors are responsible of reliability and orthographical spelling of articles. Received materials should be published until 5 June, 2017.
Collection of conference materials should be identification;
Materials submitted late by the time fixed and not suitable to the directions and requirements of conference should not be published.
• Application for publishing articles and theses (Appendix-1);
• Payment for publishing and service expenditure (scanned receipt, pdf file);
Registered information should be sent after 6 days to all participants of conference. Some cases please contact with organization committee.
Address: 130100, Halklar dustligi str.-4. Jizzakh city, Uzbekistan.
tel: – (+99872) 226-57-17,226-57-01 fax: (+99872)226-4547, (+99891)941-15-15, (+99893)940-17-70. Jizzakh Polytechnical Institute.
E-mail: jizparm@mail.ru
File should be named by author’s full name.
The requirements for official registration of articles:
1. The title of the article should be written with the capital letters. After 2 empty lines author’s surname and name. After 1 line author’s title and organization. After 2 lines author’s e-mail. After 1 line annotation (3-5 lines), key-words (3-6 words), after 2 lines text of the article or theses.
2. Conference language – English, Uzbek, Russian.
3. The volume of the article –A-4 format – “book”;
4. Margins – 2,5 sm. on all sides;
5. Font Times New Roman, size-14;
6. The interval one and half (1,5);
7. The volume of the article 3-5 pages;
8. Used literatures should be used in this article and an alphabetical order;
9. The article should be in Microsoft word format.
Registration fees for participants from foreign and the Commonwealth Independent States – 30 US$.
Registration fees for participants of Uzbekistan – 40 000 sums. (Theses fees are used for publishing expenditures).
Organization committee has right not to receive materials which are not suitable to the requirements of the conference theme.
Materials submitted late by the time fixed and not suitable to the requirements of the conference should not published and return to authors.
Arriving and leaving to Jizzakh city, hostel expenditures should be covered by participants. Participants will order place from hotels. If necessary contact with organization committee.
There would be opportunity watching cultural and historical sightseeing of Jizzakh city.
Payment address:
Republic of Uzbekistan, Financial Ministry of Republic of Uzbekistan.
Bank number – 23402000300100001010
МФО: 00014 Central BankББ-ХККМ Tashkent city.
For payment: Ш/хб 400110 86008401 7950100 079 0001 Jizzakh Polytechnical institute ИНН: 201672757.
Appendix -1 (Sample of article or theses)
Application of participants:
(name of conference)
Full name o author
Work place
Title and level
Name of theses or article
Address for sending collection
Home and work telephone
Form o participating
Application is registered separately
Appendix -2 (Sample of article or theses)
Identification number – …
Uralov Sh.K.
(scientific title) Jizzakh Polytechnical institute
Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzakh city
Author’s e-mail
Annotation: (3-5 lines)
Key-words (3-6 word)
Used literatures:
1. ………………….
2. ………………….

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