International Poetry Competition Castello Di Duino-
IX Edition- 2013
Section I and II: Individual participation 2012 December 15th
Section III: School projects 2013 January, 7th
Ø The competition is open to young people under 30 years of age.
Ø Participation is free.
Theme of the 9th Edition- 2013
The Future … a place in the world
(The suggestions offered by this topic can be dealt with absolutely free!!!)
•Participants have to send only one unpublished, never prized poem (maximum 50 lines).
•Poems will be accepted in the mother tongue of the authors. A translation into English, Spanish, French or Italian is required.
•An international Jury will evaluate the poems as far as possible also in the mother tongue of participants
Works must arrive before December 15th 2012
a) Preferably by E-Mail to
Please, send the complete Application Form (see below) in the message and the poem
attached to the message in Format word or rft.
b) or by regular mail to Prof. Gabriella Valera Gruber, Via Matteotti 21, 34138, Trieste (Italy). As far as the deadline is concerned, we will take into consideration the postmark, but no poem will be taken into consideration, which arrives after the jury has started its evaluation process (soon after the deadline)
•First, Second and Third Prize: € 500. In accordance with the aim of the competition to combine solidarity and poetry, the winners will choose a humanitarian cause to which they will devote a part of the prize (€200).
•Medal of the President of Italian Republic for a poem with a particular social-humanitarian value
•“Sergio Penco” Plate for the best poem “under 16”
•Cups or other minor prizes for other noteworthy poems.
Ø The poems of the winners and a selection of the best poems will be published for free by “Ibiskos Publishing House Risolo” (Empoli, Italy) (Sponsor of the Competition), in both the Italian and English version together with a CD in the original languages. The proceeds of the sales will be devoted to Luchetta-Ota-D’Angelo-Hrovatin Foundation for children war victims ( ).
•Special mentions and minor prizes for noteworthy poems of young “poets” under 16th.
II. Section Theater : Monologue or Dialogue between 2 people.
1 unpublished and never prized Dramatic Work (Monologue or Dialogue between 2 people), max 5 pages (no more than 10000 characters).
A good translation into Italian is unconditionally required. The works will not Be evaluated in their original language but only in their Italian translation.
Works must arrive before December 15th 2012
b) Preferably by E-Mail to
Please, send the complete Application Form (see below) in the message and the poem
attached to the message in Format word or rtf.
b) or by regular mail to Prof. Gabriella Valera Gruber, Via Matteotti 21, 34138, Trieste (Italy). As far as the deadline is concerned, we will take into consideration the postmark, but no poem will be accepted, which arrives after the jury has started its evaluation process (soon after the deadline)
The jury will designate three winners (who will awarded with cups and plates) and reserves the right of selecting other dramas of special worth.
The best dramas will be performed in an important city theater within the Prize Giving Ceremony events.
III Section: School projects. Deadline 2013 January 7th
The jury will designate the best Poetry-Projects presented as a collective work by Schools (students and teachers):
•1st prize 500 euro, that have to be devoted to an humanitarian scope chosen by the awarded students and teachers
•other minor prizes.
To the prized or considered as noteworthy schools – groups, which will come to Trieste for the prize- giving ceremony a whole day of readings and performance is reserved in an important location of the city. Students will have the opportunity to read their poems and teacher to explain their projects.
The official award will be given to the teachers during the prize giving Ceremony in Castello di Duino.
Projects must be sent as follow:
2 copies by regular mail to Prof. Gabriella Valera Gruber, Via Matteotti 21, 34138, Trieste (Italy). As far as the deadline is concerned, we will take into consideration the postmark, but no project will be acceped, which arrives after the jury has started its evaluation process (soon after the deadline). Possibly also a copy by E-Mail to
The list of the winners will be published in the website of the competition
Winners will be informed by e-mail, phone or normal post.
The prise-giving ceremony will take place on March 24, 2013 in Duino Castle
Application Form (Section I. and II.)
Name , Surname ,
Birth Date, Nationality,
Address, City, Country,
Phone, E-Mail,
Title of the work,
I declare that the work…. ….is my original work, has never been prized and is unpublished.
I give my permission to its possible publication and presentation to the general audience
I declare that I have not subscribed to SIAE nor to any other similar Societies, which protect copyrights.
Application form (Section III-Schools)
Name of the teacher , Surname of the teacher ,
List of the participants students
Address of the school
City, Country,
Phone, E-Mail of the school
E- Mail of the teacher
I declare that the work…. ….is an original work, has never been prized and is unpublished.
I give permission to its possible publication and presentation to the general audience
I declare that the authors have not subscribed to SIAE nor to any other similar Societies, which protect copyrights.
Info: Prof. Gabriella Valera Gruber, Via Matteotti 21, 34138 Trieste – Tel. 040 638787E-Mail,