The Third International Conference on Data Mining, Internet Computing, and Big Data

You are invited to participate in The Third International Conference on Data Mining, Internet Computing, and Big Data (BigData2016) that will be held in Konya, Turkey on July 21 – 23, 2016. The event will be held over three days, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures.

The conference welcomes papers on the following (but not limited to) research topics:
Data Mining Tasks & Algorithms
Explorative and visual data mining Mining text and semi-structured data
Multimedia mining (audio/video) Segmentation/Clustering/Association
Web mining Artificial neural networks
Link and sequence analysis Evolutionary computation/meta heuristics
Data Mining Integration & Process
Distributed and grid based data mining Metadata and ontologies
Mining large scale data Attribute discretization and encoding
Feature selection and transformation Model interpretation
Data cleaning and preparation
Data Mining Applications
Bioinformatics Business/Corporate/Industrial Data Mining
Credit Scoring Data Mining in Logistics
Database Marketing Direct Marketing
Engineering Mining Medicine Data Mining
Military Data Mining Security Data Mining
Social Science Mining Time series analysis and visualization
Anomaly detection Association rule learning
Classification Cloud based infrastructure (applications, storage and resources)
Cluster analysis Crowd-sourcing
Data fusion and integration Data-mining grids
Distributed databases Distributed file systems
Ensemble learning Genetic algorithms
Machine learning Massively parallel-processing (MPP) databases
Natural language processing Neural networks
Pattern recognition Predictive modeling
Search-based applications Sentiment analysis
Signal processing Simulation
Supervised and unsupervised learning
Internet Computing
Design and analysis of internet protocols and engineering Digital libraries/digital image collections
Electronic commerce and internet Grid based computing and internet tools
Internet and emerging technologies Internet and video technologies
Internet applications and appliances Internet banking systems
Internet based decision support systems Internet law and compliance
Internet security and trust Markup Languages
Metacomputing Mobile computing and the internet
Network architectures and network computing Novel Java applications on internet
Quality of service Search engines
Social networks The WWW and intranets
The internet and Cloud computing Web based computing
Web interfaces to databases Web site design and coordination

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