The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Methodology and Innovation

The International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research Methodology and Innovation (IRRMI) conference brings together academics and professionals from all business and economics disciplines to share latest research findings and brainstorm new research ideas across disciplines. It is a unique forum for researchers with cross-disciplinary interests to meet and interact. Research papers using theoretical, quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods approaches are encouraged as are those using interdisciplinary approaches.

Please visit below link for our upcoming events and conferences in Kualalumpur, Malaysia :

Conference Main tracks are :
1.Business Management 2.Social Sciences 3.Economics

The conference welcomes empirical research as well as theoretical/conceptual research papers having potential for field applications and in-depth literature reviews. Broadly defined, but not limited to, tracks of the conference are:

Architecture, Gender Studies, Political Science, Banking
Anthropology, Culture, Politics and Governance
Arts, Communications, Psychology, Business Ethics, E-commerce
Demography, Ethics, Public Administration
Gender Studies,Sociology, Tourism, Economic Theory
Media, Music, Philosophy, Accounting, Business Administration
Regional/International Trade
Political Economy
Business Ethics
Branding and Brand Management
Islamic Finance and Banking
Organizational Behaviour
Environmental Economics
Rural-Urban Development
Tourism Economic

For further details,please email us on

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