The Cultural Policy Research Award (CPRA) 2013 has been launched.
Each year, young researchers have been invited to propose research projects which could inform policymaking and benefit practitioners active in the cultural field.
The CPRA, is an award but also a grant of 10,000 Euros. The CPRA is open to young academics, researchers and policymakers aged 35 or under from all European countries.
This year the competition will focus on 4 main issues:
1. Developing intercultural and trans-national dimensions of cultural policies
Cultural policies are supposed to “manage diversity” through concrete policy instruments.
– Development of inter-cultural policies
– Interaction between these policies at regional, national and supra-national level
– Trans-national dimensions
2. European cultural policies in the context of globalisation
Globalisation processes impact cultural production and participation, as well as cultural policies.
– Main challenges and strategies for European cultural policies
– Main challenges for cultural diversity in Europe
– How cultural policies of states, regions or supranational organisations respond to these challenges.
3. Social dimensions of cultural policies
The social dimensions of cultural policies are becoming a wider cross-cutting area both in theory and practice.
– Cultural participation and equal access
– Culture and development, cohesion
– Quality of life
4. Values and ethics in cultural policy
Cultural policy decisions are influenced by political contexts and cultural values.
– Cultural values and political priorities
– Cultural rights and cultural policy ethics
– Ethical limits in cultural policy decisions (corruption, clientelism, etc.)
Deadline: 31 May 2013
Find out more here.