International Academic Conference on EDUCATION AND PSYCHOLOGY

25-26 April 2014 – Istanbul, Turkey


Covers topics related to: Early Childhood Education, Special Education, Science Education, Elementary Education, Geographical Education, Health Education, Secondary Education, Social Studies Education, Research Methodologies, Academic Research Projects, Research on Technology in Education, The Bologna Process and its implementation, Joint-Degree Programmes, Erasmus and Exchange experiences in universities, Continuing Education, Higher Education, Educational Administration, Human Resource Development, Education Policy and Leadership, Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Copy-right, Quality processes at National and International level, Courses, Tutorials, Curriculum Design, Teacher Education, Cross-disciplinary areas of Education, Educational Psychology, Life-long Learning Education, Reading Education, Distance Education, E-Learning, Educational Technology, Internet technologies, Language Education and related topics in Education.


Covers topics related to: History of Psychology, Research methods in Psychology, The profession of Psychology, Major approaches in Psychology, Psychology for society, Psychology and development, Psychology and gender studies, Psychology and spirituality, Psychology and urbanization, Psychometry and assessment, Role of qualitative research in psychotherapy, Violence & criminal studies, New trends in organizational psychology, Mobbing – Bullying in workplace, Conflict and Stress management, Burnout and workload, Positive psychology and happiness, Group behavior, Drug abuse & alcoholism, Neuroscience, Cognitive psychology, Evaluation & human behavior, Aggression, Theories of gender development, Motivation, Emotions, Social and Cultural Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Child Development and related topics in psychology.

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.