Akdeniz Mimarlar Birliği Uluslararası Öğrenci Fikir Yarışması

The Union of Mediterranean Architects (UMAR) calls for design of a POSTER that will represent our Mediterrenean identity via visual media tools, and is open to the Students of Architecture of the Mediterranean basin.
UMAR was founded in Rabat (Morocco) in 1994 and draws together the National Organisations representating the architects from countries in and around the Mediterranean basin.
It was the awareness of belonging to a common culture, one shaped over thousands of years into this birthplace of civilizations that is the Mediterranean basin, that lead these Architect Organisations to create UMAR.
UMAR is an instrument for exchanging ideas and information, whilst encouraging the growth of friendship, solidarity and confraternity between all architects.
This scope of the Poster is to represent (encompass) the identity and the essence of the Mediterranean cultural heritage of its architecture, its cities, its spaces and streets.
The winning poster will be used by UMAR as its Hallmark for its coming activities, as well as by its member countries, such as in the exhibition at the UIA 2014 World Architecture Congress in Durban, next August. Posters of the other award winners, together with those of special mention will also be used for promoting the Mediterranean awareness.
The event is being organized by Union of Mediterrenean Architects (UMAR) through the Secreteriat of Chamber of Architects of Turkey (CAT).
This single stage ideas competition is open to students in one category and shall be in accordance with UIA-UNESCO regulations.
• Participants have to be registered students of a recognised School of Architecture.
• Their nationality must be of a country that is a valid member of UMAR.
• Participation as a team or group is possible and can include partners from different disciplines, such as urban planning, landscape architects, interior designers, engineers, social scientists, philosophers etc. , but the lead participant must be a student of Architecture.
• Participation in the event is free of charge.
• People who are closely related to the jurors or the Technical Committee cannot participate in the event.
English is the official language for projects and documents.
• Announcement: May 7, 2014 • Deadline for questions: May 30, 2014 • Deadline for answers of the questions: June 2, 2014 • Deadline submission of projects: June 30, 2014 • Announcement of the results: July 7, 2014 • Exhibition of the projects: August 3-7, 2014
All questions about the event will be asked e-mail up to May 30, 2014. Questions will be answered by the organizers of the competition by the June, 2, 2014. All questions and answers will be published on the www.umar.org on that date.
• All projects will be presented and adjudicated anonymously. Participants will chose an identity code that will appear on each document submitted. This code will be made up of 3 numbers (non-consecutive) and 2 letters. They will be written on the 15mm/50mm white background with black letters and it will be written on right upper corner of the all documents making up the entry.
• The technical committee will mask these identity codes with a serial number for the duration of the jury meeting. • When the jury has made it final selection, the identification envelopes will be opened and anonymity lifted.
• Entries will be submitted anonymously.
. Entries can be done online or via post.
Online Submission
. The posters will be submitted online with a necessary form filled by the participants
. The online submission will be only via www.umar.org
• Submissions will include a sealed envelope containing the competitors personal information. The identity code of the participants will be written on the outside the of envelope in which applicants’ name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, communication address, photocopy of their identity card/passport • In case of team participation, all team members’ information will be in this closed identity envelope. • The Project board (A1 594 x 841 mm – 23.40 x 33.13 inc) will be submitted DIGITALLY without printing, at least 150dpi resolution, CMYK format, TIFF/JPEG/EPS type document recorded in DVD/CD.
• DVD/CD and identity envelopes will be packed in paper on which “THE REFLECTION OF MEDITERRENEAN INTERNATIONAL IDEA COMPETITION” is written clearly, will be sent or delivered to the address below:
MİMARLAR ODASI GENEL MERKEZI Konur Sokak 4/2 06650 Yenisehir ANKARA, TÜRKİYE • For the projects submitted by post from abroad, a maximum of 7 days will be allowed
for delivery after the submission deadline. For the projects submitted from Turkey by post, the allowance shall be only up to 3 days after the deadline for submission.
• The receipts and the confirmation of the carrier company about the posting date of projects should be faxed to the awards secretariat and should confirm that the projects are posted at latest on submission date June, 30, 2014.
Fax: 00 90 418 03 61 • The carrier service cost will be paid by the participant. • Deadline for Personally submitted projects is June, 30, 2014 17.00 at the latest. • Applications which are not received on time will not be accepted.
• Presentation technique is free. • Each participant can only present one project. • The identity code must be placed on right upper corner of all documents.
The first, second and third prize winners will be determined by the Jury evaluation on July 7, 2014. The report of the jury will be published on the website.
• First prize: 1000 euro • Second prize: 700 euro • Third prize: 500 euro Awards will be paid within three (3) months after the announcement.
Although the copyright of the projects sent belongs to the participants, they shall be giving the right, without compensation, to UMAR to publish the projects or make ise of them to promote its ideals. After the event, none of the projects submitted shall be returned to the participant of his/her heirs in title..
Ozge Sahin
TMMOB Mimarlar Odası Genel Merkezi
Chamber of Architects of Turkey
Konur Sok. No: 4/2 06650 Yenişehir, Ankara Türkiye
Tel: +90 312 417 37 27
Faks: +90 312 418 03 61
E-mail: info@umar.org WEB : www.umar.org

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.