8th International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops

Dear Colleagues,

8th International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops – October 24 -29 , 2016 WOW Topkapı Palace, Antalya, TURKEY

The Eighth International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops will take place at the Wow Topkapı Palace , Antalya, Turkey . This world-class conference facility is located in Antalya, about 20 km from Antalya airport.
The Wow Topkapı Palace is designed with lodging, meals and meeting rooms that are conveniently located within walking distance of each other and ideal for scientific exchange and social interaction at a reasonable cost.
The meeting will begin on Monday morning, October 24 and finish on Friday, October 28 with a noon luncheon. During the meeting program includes a whole-day technical trip with sightseeing tour around the Antalya historical sites. The exact program will be certain next second announcement.

Contributions are expected to cover a wide range of research fields including: Tree Physiology and Plant Growth, Nutrient Management, Interaction and Diagnosis of Plant Nutrient Status, Plant Nutrient and Fruit Quality, Fruit Nutrition and Bioactive Compounds, Plant-microbe interactions, Intercropping, biofertilisers, T rends in Fertilizer consumption , Nutrient Losses , Mineral supply Technology , Rootstock and root artichecture, Plant mineral nutrition and human nutrition, Genetics and plant nutrition, Orchard soil management and plant nutrition, Mineral nutrition under arid conditions etc.

The official language of the symposium will be English.

Abstract submission March 5, 2016
Notification of abstract acceptance April 15, 2016
Early registration May 15, 2016
Submission of full manuscript October 15, 2016

Symposium Secretariat
Prof. Dr. Bekir Erol AK
Address: Harran University Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture
Sanliurfa / TURKEY
Tel: 0090 414 3183698
Fax: 0090 414 3183682
E-Mail : beak@harran.edu.tr , baakbekir62@gmail.com

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