IWW 2012
The wavelet methods provide avenues for proper understanding of real world problems. These scientific meetings are intended to provide opportunity for interaction of scientists, engineers, planners, social scientists, agricultural scientists who are applying wavelets in their research. Mathematical studies are often aimed to analyze and visualize real world problems. Discussion on this theme during ICIAM2003 in Sydney, mooted the idea of holding symposium on wavelets. Keeping in view importance of wavelet tools, Istanbul Commerce University (Turkey) had organized the First International Workshop on Applications of Wavelets to Real World Problems during 17-18 July, 2005. The “INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS II and III: MINI SYMPOSIUM ON APPLICATIONS OF WAVELETS TO REAL WORLD PROBLEMS: IWW07 and IWW08” were organized by Istanbul Aydın University with the co-operation of The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics-Office of External Activities (ICTP-OEA, Italy). “The Fourth International Workshop on Applications of Wavelets to Real World Problems (IWW2009)” was organized by Kocaeli University with the co-operation of ICTP-OEA in June 2009.
A fairly good number of active researchers of the field participated in its deliberations, and the papers presented were published in the Proceeding of the Workshop. Encouraged by the success of the series of Workshops, The Fifth International Symposium on Wavelet Applications to World Problems (IWW2010) was held in Istanbul Aydın University with the co-operation of ICTP-OEA, between June 7-8, 2010. The sixth International Image processing & Wavelet on real World applications conference (IWW 2012) will be organized by Bogazici University with the co-operation of Istanbul Aydın University in Istanbul. Wavelet analysis can provide a unique decomposition of time series into signal and noise components.
From the overall spectrum independent spectra can be extracted allowing the separate detection and monitoring of the world problems. The participants will discuss major issues of importance for integrated wavelet implementation, including development experiences world wide wavelet applications. I hope you will spend good time in Istanbul and benefit from the high level presentations, focused debate and exchange of information during the symposium.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erdik, BU,Turkey Prof.Dr.Abul Hasan Siddiqi, India
Prof. Dr. Osman Uçan, (IAU), Turkey
IWW 2012 is organized by Istanbul Aydin University, Kocaeli University in Turkey and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy. The symposium will provide a forum for researchers, experts and engineers to discuss research ideas, exchange knowledge and practice, and review advancement in related topics.
Symposium Topics
Applications of Wavelet to Real problems
Applications of Fuzzy Logic
Mathematical Physics
Computer Simulations
Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Problems
Mathematical Modeling of Agricultural Problems
Mathematical Modeling of Engineering Problems
Mathematical Modeling of Economical and Logistical Management Problems
Wavelets in Medicine
Wavelets in Arts
Language and Scripts
IWW 2012
Symposium Language
English is the official language of the IWW 2012 symposium.
Accepted papers will be published in a refereed scientific Journal of Ist. Aydin University.
Participants who intend to present their contribution at IWW2012 (verbal presentation or poster) are encouraged to submit a paper with indicated preferred section and fill in registration form by 31st November 2012. Preliminary registration form is enclosed with this circular, or you can find it at IWW2012 web page; For further inquiry or suggestions, please, contact conference secretariat iww2012@aydin.edu.tr