4th International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences

Dear Respected Academics and Researchers,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce that The Fourth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2019) will be held in Akdeniz University from April 20 to 22, 2019 in Antalya.

CMES-2019 provides an ideal academic platform for researchers and professionals to discuss recent developments in both theoretical and applied mathematics, and in engineering sciences. This event aims also to stimulate interaction in the field of computational mathematics and its applications in science and engineering, to present developments in all these areas, and to showcase the computational expertise of our invited speakers and participants.

You can find more information about this event on the webpage of CMES-2019:

We are looking forward to seeing you in Antalya / Turkey .

With our best regards,
Organising Committee of CMES-2019

We invite authors to contribute original research articles for a presentation during CMES-2019 in the following potential topics that include, but are not limited to :

Applied Mathematics,Financial Mathematics,
Control Theory,
Game Theory
Modeling of Bio-systems for Optimization and Control,
Linear and Nonlinear programming and Dynamics,
Artificial Intelligence,
Geometry and Its Applications,
Analysis and Its Applications,
Statistics and Its Applications,
Mathematics Education and Its Applications,
Algebra and Its Applications.
Engineering Sciences
Computer Science
Information technology
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Ordinary, Partial, Stochastic and Delay Differential Equations
Chaos and Dynamical Systems
Numerical methods and scientific programming
Fractional Calculus and Applications,
Cryptography and its applications
Computational Fluids mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfers.
Economics and Econometric Studies
Topology and Its Application
Education Sciences


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