‘’Stop waiting for the things to happen”
Yabancı dil eğitimlerinde farklı bir bakış açısı kazandıracağına inandığımız ve bu alanda çalışan öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimlerine katkı vermek amacıyla bu yıl 3. sünü düzenleyeceğimiz YETEV ELT 2022 konferansımız, yüz yüze olarak 28 Mayıs 2022 tarihinde yeni açılacak olan Palet Okulları Çamlıca Kampüsümüzde gerçekleştirilecektir. Olağanüstü konukların ve birbirinden etkileyici konuların yer aldığı etkinliğimize katılımınız bizleri onurlandıracaktır. Kontenjanımız sınırlı sayıdadır.
Başvurular 16 Mayıs Pazartesi günü başlayacaktır. Lütfen tarihi not etmeyi unutmayın. 😉
“Stop waiting for things to happen”
We are pleased to announce our 3rd annual YETEV ELT 2022 conference. We are eager to provide you with a different perspective of teaching a second language and how to contribute to the foreign language education. Our objective is to sustain the professional development of teachers working in this field. The event will be held on the 28th of May at New Palet Çamlıca Campus. We cordially invite you to our ELT Conference where distinguished guests will be present and impressive topics will be tackled. Quota is limited.
Applications will begin on May 16. Please do not forget to note the date. 😉
It is a great pleasure to announce that the YETEV ELT Conference under the theme
“Make it happen, make it matter” will take place on May 28th, 2022. All participants interested in language teaching and especially improving themselves are sincerely welcome to join the event. As English teachers, we always try to encourage our learners to adapt to the changing world by using innovative teaching techniques to assist them on their English language learning journey. So why don’t we do the same?
All participants joining the Conference will be able to share their ideas, knowledge, and experiences related to English language teaching.
They will also be able to have the opportunity to meet with other ELT teachers who share the same experience as they do. There’s nothing like being in a room full of like-minded people.Picking up a good idea and applying what you’ve learned to your own classroom can instill a great feeling of achievement.
With the firm belief that learning is a lifelong process, we believe that learners need to remain aware of the changing world and should keep up-to-date with modern learning technologies through exploration and integration of digital platforms with tried-and-true tools of language learning. The conference aims to support teachers in the use of innovative teaching practices, imaginative ideas, and creative learning techniques.
We sincerely invite you to attend our third annual YETEV ELT Conference.
YETEV ELT Registration Form : https://yetevakademi.com/basvuru