TIMSS 2015

TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced are renowned international assessments that have been monitoring changes
in educational achievement in mathematics and science since 1995.
Countries use TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced for educational improvement by evaluating the effectiveness of their
mathematics and science teaching and learning in comparison to other countries around the world.

TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced are projects of IEA (International Association for the Evaluation
of Educational Achievement).
Headquartered in Amsterdam, IEA has been conducting international comparative studies of student educational
achievement since 1959. IEA pioneered studies relating cross-national achievement to the
different methods for teaching and learning used across the globe so that countries may learn about
effective educational approaches from each other.

TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced are directed by the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College. TIMSS together with PIRLS, which assesses reading, comprise IEA’s core cycle of studies designed to provide participating
countries with regular information about achievement in three fundamental subjects— mathematics, science, and reading

TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced Participation Options Participating in TIMSS at both fourth and eighth
grades as well as in TIMSS Advanced provides a comprehensive set of data at three important
points across a country’s educational system.
However, it is possible to participate in TIMSS at two grades or only one grade, such as TIMSS
at the fourth grade and TIMSS Advanced, or just TIMSS at the eighth grade. Also, in countries
where TIMSS might be too difficult for fourth grade students, TIMSS can be given to students
in the fifth or sixth grade, and similarly to ninth grade rather than eighth grade students.

TIMSS 2015— 20 Years of Trend Data Every four years since 1995, TIMSS has reported
on international trends in mathematics and science achievement at the fourth and
eighth grades. TIMSS 2015 will be the sixth assessment, resulting in a 20-year trend line. Because TIMSS
monitors changes in achievement at regular intervals, it is a valuable vehicle for studying whether new or
revised educational policies impact achievement. Fully 63 countries participated in TIMSS 2011.
The TIMSS mathematics and science assessments are based on comprehensive assessment frameworks
developed collaboratively with the participating countries. The frameworks specify in some detail the
knowledge, skills, and understandings to be assessed.
TIMSS reports overall mathematics and science achievement. In addition, results are provided
according to four International Benchmarks (advanced, high, medium, and low) and by major content domains
(for example, algebra, geometry, biology). Countries also obtain item-by-item results for diagnostic
purposes for approximately 200 items per subject per grade (e.g., fourth grade mathematics, eighth grade
A major purpose of TIMSS is to provide important background information that can be used to improve
teaching and learning in mathematics and science.
For example, TIMSS collects detailed information about curriculum and curriculum implementation,
instructional practices, and school resources.

TIMSS Advanced 2015— Measuring Excellence TIMSS Advanced measures trends in advanced
mathematics and physics for students in their final year of secondary school (twelfth grade in most countries).
The assessment provides educational policy makers with valuable information about how many students are excelling at highly specialized material in a global context.
TIMSS Advanced assesses students enrolled in pre-university courses designed to lead into science
and technologically-oriented programs and careers.
The TIMSS Advanced assessment framework covers algebra, calculus, and geometry in advanced
mathematics. In physics, it covers mechanics, electricity/magnetism, heat/temperature, and atomic/
nuclear physics. TIMSS Advanced also collects extensive policy-relevant data about curriculum
emphasis, technology use, and teacher preparation and training.
TIMSS Advanced was originally assessed together with TIMSS in 1995 to provide countries with a
comprehensive picture of their mathematics and science education across primary, middle, and upper
secondary schools. However, TIMSS Advanced was not assessed again until 2008, when a number
of countries expressed interest in an advanced assessment due to the strong link between specialized
scientific expertise and economic productivity. In 2015, TIMSS Advanced will be reunited with TIMSS
so that countries can gain a better understanding of how one level of education influences the next.

Benefits of Participating in TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced Benchmarking TIMSS has a benchmarking component whereby
regional entities (e.g., states or provinces) may participate in the same way as countries, and thus
compare their achievement to top-performing countries around the world.
Participation in TIMSS enables evidence-based decisions for educational improvement. High
quality, internationally comparative data about student achievement in mathematics and science
are important for monitoring and improving the health of a country’s education system. Evidence of
underperforming areas often spurs education reform, with subsequent assessments being effective monitors
of changes in the educational system.
TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced results are disseminated through the TIMSS International Reports and via
the web. A well-documented international database provides opportunities for research both within and
across countries. Participating countries use the TIMSS and TIMSS Advanced assessment process and
data to:
Monitor system-level achievement trends in a global context Establish achievement goals and standards for educational improvement Stimulate curriculum reform Improve teaching and learning through research
and analysis of TIMSS data Conduct related studies, such as monitoring equity or assessing students in additional grades Train researchers and teachers in assessment and evaluation

For Country Enrollment, Contact:
Dr. Paulína Koršňáková
IEA Secretariat

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