“Interdisciplinary perspectives for future building envelopes”
ICBEST Istanbul is the premier conference for attendees to benefit from the cutting edge information on building envelope systems and technologies.
ICBEST is a worldwide forum for building envelope architecture and engineering. It provides information exchange, networking, and discussions of recent developments and their application thus bridging the gap between architects, designers, engineers, manufacturers, and researchers. During the industry exhibition, top international companies will be showcasing products and technology solutions of interest to conference attendees.
To emphasis on the importance of collaborative research needs, the theme of the conference will be “Interdisciplinary perspectives for future building envelopes”. We welcome academics, practicing architects, engineers, building construction contractors, administrators, and students to participate in a wide range of stimulating discussions. Presentations will include keynote speakers, panels, plenary sessions, regular sessions, and student workshops. We welcome you to an inspiring, educational, practical, and enjoyable program.
on “Interdisciplinary perspectives for future building envelopes” will cover all aspects of theoretical and applied research on building envelope systems, particularly those within, but not limited to, the following and Special Sessions
Special Session-1
“Adaptive Building Envelopes” organized by Susanne Gosztonyi. Please send an e-mail to susanne.gosztonyi@ebd.lth.se if you have submitted an abstract for this session.
Special Session-2
“Computational Technologies (Design / Fabrication / Operation)” organized by Marco Hemmerling. Please send an e-mail to marco.hemmerling@hs-owl.de if you have submitted an abstract for this session.
Performance & Sustainability
Testing & Simulation
Structural Systems
Materials & Components
Smart Materials
Ecological Materials
Life Cycle
Envelope Technologies
Future Trends
Failures & Refurbishment
Historical Buildings
Visual effects
New Trends
Detail Design
Case Studies
Existing Buildings
New Constructions
Important Dates of ICBEST 2017
Deadline of Abstracts Submission – 1 April 2016
Acceptance of Abstracts – 6 June 2016
Submission of Full Papers – 4 November 2016
Acceptance of Full Papers – 27 January 2017
Camera Ready Manuscripts – 24 February 2017
ICBEST 2017 – 15-18 May 2017
Bilimsel Sekreterya
Mimarlık İTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi
Taşkışla, Taksim 34437
İstanbul, Türkiye