GRF Young Scholars Program

The GRF Young Scholars Program is designed for Turkish undergraduate students from the prominent universities of Turkey and the world. We will be accepting applications for the new term until April 7, 2017.

In 2010, Global Relations Forum started the GRF Young Scholars Program for undergraduate students studying in the leading universities of Turkey, and GRF Young Scholars Abroad Program for students from Turkey studying in distinguished universities abroad. These two separate seminar programs were merged into a single program in 2015.
The General Framework of the Program
The program was created to provide its participants with a platform where they can analyse and discuss global issues in a free, rational and constructive manner. The meetings are organized in three sections:
The first section brings together students and GRF members. Invited as guest speakers, our members share thoughts on topics of international affairs that they have selected based on their own career paths and areas of interest. This gives the students the opportunity to benefit from the wisdom and experiences of GRF members, who have represented Turkey in international fora and have played and are still playing, a personal role in the shaping of events in Turkey and the world. In turn, our members find the opportunity to enrich their ideas with the questions and comments of the young participants, who have minds shaped by the challenges of our day and an interest in a wide array of subjects resulting from their intellectual curiosity. In short, this section of the program is about the exchange of knowledge and experience between generations.
The second section of the program consists of meetings where GRF Vice-Chairman and President Memduh Karakullukçu, and GRF executive staff convene with students. The discussions in these meetings revolve around the articles written by leading academics and intellectuals of the world and require the active and sustained participation of students. One of the important goals of this section is to enable students to form connections, on a macro scale, among many different aspects of the global agenda, from economy to technology and from law to politics. Additionally, this section of the program aims to provide students with the tools to understand central debates concerning the world’s future in a 50-100 year time frame; and help them shape their professional and personal ideals as well as their dreams of contributing to their countries and the humankind.
In the third section of the program, students are expected read a book written by leading intellectuals of the world on global issues, and selected by GRF. They are then expected to write a book review, and participate in “Book Discussion Panels” to be held during the December part of the program.
Upon completion of the program, students who have attended the meetings, written their book reviews, and participated in the discussion panels will:
• Join GRF community as “Young Scholars”.
• Be invited to a variety of GRF events featuring world leaders and internationally renowned experts.
• Merit priority when applying for GRF internships.
Seminar Details
• The program consists of two 3-day sessions to be held in Istanbul.
• The program will be held on May/June 2017 and the second part on December 2017.

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.