Eratosthenes Photo Competition

Eratosthenes Photo Competition

Take a photo of the experiment or the work behind it or a creative snapshot of those involved in the experiment, submit it to the Eratosthenes Photo Competition and don’t miss the opportunity to travel to the 2018  Inspiring Science Education Summer Academy in Marathon. The deadline for submitting your photo is the 9th of October 2017(12CET). Eratosthenes Experiment Organizing Committee, will select the winner, on the  13th of  October.

The contest in 5 steps

Take your photo.

Submit you data.

Register to the ODS Eratosthenes Experiment community.

Join the Group the Eratosthenes Experiment Photo Contest September 2017(inside the ODS Eratosthenes Experiment community).

Upload your photo and state your country, your name and details of your school/institution.

Conditions, Detailed Instructions & Prize

  1. The theme of the contest is the Eratosthenes Experiment. Take a photo of the experiment or the work behind it or a creative snapshot of those involved in the experiment.
  2. Minimal manipulation of digital images, such as cropping, small adjustments to brightness, color, color balance and/or sharpness, is permitted.
  3. Each teacher must submit only one photootherwise your participation in the contest wil not be accepted.
  4. In case your photo includes images of minors, please make sure you have obtained a signed consent by their legal guardians. Each country follows its own procedures on the matter, so please consult with the relevant authorities.
  5. Only teachers from registered schools that have submitted their data can take part. For registering your school, please click here. For submitting your data, please click here.
  6. Study the manual carefully in the ODS Teachers Academy on how to register to the ODS portal, how to join Communities and Groups
  7. Then, follow the steps below:
    a) Register to the  ODS Eratosthenes Experiment community
    b) Join the Eratosthenes Experiment Photo Contest September 2017 Group 
    c) Please submit your photo. The deadline for submitting your photo is the 9th of October  2017.
    d) You may submit your photo by clicking on the “Comment” tab.
    e) Offer a description by adding your country, your school’s or institution’s name and your own name in the “Comment” area.
    f) “Select” your file, “Upload” it and then “Save”.

The prize for the Eratosthenes Experiment Photo Contest is a place in the 2018 Inspiring Science Education 6-day Summer Academy in Athens, with all the costs (traveling, accommodation, catering and fees) covered by the relevant scholarship. The dates and the full programme of the course will be announced on the mid October.

*The Eratosthenes Experiment Organizing Committee,  retains the right to cancel the contest, change the terms or the prize of the contest at anytime before the 22nd of September.

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