Researchers and professionals engaged in the areas of distance learning/virtual mobility are welcomed to participate and present papers in the conference. Although it will not be restricted by the list below, the possible submitted papers may address to the following topics*:
Distance learning – Virtual mobility and the future of education
Challenges and opportunities for distance learning/virtual mobility in education
Distance learning experiences and cases
Implemented projects on virtual mobility and their results /findings
Development of Open Educational Resources and New technologies in distance learning- virtual mobility
Integration of innovative approaches to distance learning/virtual mobility experiences
Education policies in Europe and the need for virtual mobility
*Selected proceedings will be invited for the full paper and will be considered for the special issue of Journal of Yaşar University. (Journal of Yaşar University publishes paper only in the context of social sciences.)
Abstracts of the papers (300-500 words) should be submitted to with the short biography of the author before January 15th, 2014.
Deadline for the Submission of Abstracts: January 15th, 2015
Submission of the full proceedings:
Selected participants will be notified by January 20, 2015 for the submission of full papers and will be informed about the paper submission rules.
Registration: There is no registration fee but after the acceptance and final confirmation, participants are obliged to pay the hotel accommodation rate as to guarantee their participation.
A New Generation of Education in Europe: From Distance Learning to Virtual Mobility
UbiCamp Project Final Conference
Yaşar University
4th ofMarch, 2015
The final conference of the “UbiCamp – Integrated Solution to Virtual Mobility Barriers” project aims to bring together researchers, professionals, policy makers, NGO representatives and students related with virtual mobility and distance learning in Europe.
While the conference will be a unique opportunity to discuss and develop deeper perspectives on virtual mobility and distance learning in Europe, it will also provide a platform for the brainstorming by being open to the participation or/and paper submission of all interested parties.