The scientific objective of this workshop is encouraging researchers to bring together to share new and important developments by sharing of projects and studies and shed light on this important subject and contribute to this dynamic.
The workshop hosts two distinguished experts from abroad. In insurance finance workshop, the classification of life insurance products with regards to their risk-return characteristics. The choice of the risk measures, the individual character of the customers or the use of simulation in a consultant-customer talk.
Another presentation will be about a single-factor multi-currency CAPM (SFM-CAPM). The aim of the talk is primarily to give a way ahead in the use of the single-factor CAPM in a multi-currency world for the purposes of the stochastic modelling of the assets and liabilities of long-term financial institutions such as pension funds, particularly for the purposes of liability-driven investments, and the application of the model has been designed with that intention.
Additionally, a panel will be held with the participation with the Turkish insurance sector, the public and the university experts.
We have the privilege of organizing a workshop which will open a platform to a diverse audience group and is targeted to Turkey-specific cases in insurance sector and academia.
You are cordially invited and welcome to join us on April 16, 2015, between 9:00-18:00 at Milli Reasürans Conference Hall in Istanbul. Pre-registration before April 15 2015 till 10:30 am, is kindly requested for organizational purposes and limited space.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Istanbul.