In recent years, our country is a shining term; I STEIN. What does STEM Training do? Why is STEM required? First, a brief description of Önce STEM; Science (Science), Technology (Engineering), Math (Mathematics), which is formed by shortening the domain names and attracting attention recently in our country is a new teaching model / education approach. This word which means göstermek root yay in English shows a very rapid spread in our education literature.
Let us come to the conclusion that ne why is STEM necessary and important? Which features are intended to be individuals? First, how a human model; Then, a method on how to accomplish this ?, questions should be answered. I want to show how much we can achieve this with internationally valid data.
The results of the International Student Assessment Program (PISA) developed by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to evaluate the educational systems by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, provide concrete reasons for why STEM should be included in our training model. PISA measures the ability of 15-year-old students to use the knowledge and skills learned in school in daily life. It is a test that evaluates students’ skills in the areas of science, mathematics and reading skills 2014/11 / PISA2015_ NationalReport.pdf).
2012 PISA results, the average score in all three areas of Turkey, is located below the average score of OECD countries. It is worrying that it is the second place among the OECD countries in the field of science and mathematics and the second one in the reading area (Aybat, 2017).
The fact that the test results of PISA conducted every three years in 2015 is lower than in 2012 indicates that the preferred methods in our education system should be questioned in a serious way. December 5, 2016 at 35 OECD members, including 72 countries and representing approximately 29 million students in the economy 540 thousand students entered the PISA 2015 report on Turkey ‘s in science literacy field are understood to remain below average. Countries with the highest number of points in this area; Singapore, Japan, Estonia etc. Asian countries National Report .pdf).
In this exam, it would be extremely optimistic to think that students who are challenged even in the 2nd level of science literacy are able to answer questions on level 6. The pain comes with real results. When we compare the difficulty of the questions in real life with the problems encountered in real life, it is noteworthy that the ones who are working are left simple. What do the students (students) expect in real life? It will be expected that they will be able to parse and synthesize different information sources and to make connections between them. In addition, they will be expected to formulate their observations, knowledge, interpretations and reasoning by convincing others. However, the majority of our 15-year-olds do not have these skills.
In our country, there is not sufficient number of qualified employees in STEM areas; production, design, innovation, science, and even in the field of fine arts to reach the level of global competition will be at the point to reach our way.
I’m not going to pass on a word that I love very much, John Dewey. ? If we educate the children of today with the methods of yesterday, we will steal from the future., How appropriate are the methods used in education today? We must listen to new approaches when structuring our future. That’s why our training needs STEM.