Yarışmanın Amacı:
Dünya çapındaki tüm teknik okul, mühendislik ve üniversite öğrencilerine,
günümüzden 2030 yılına kadar, araçları daha akıllı ve sezgisel hale getirecek,
ürün ve sistemleri tasarlayarak otomotiv yenileşimine katkıda bulunma şansı
Kimler Başvurabilir?:
Tüm teknik okul, mühendislik ve üniversite öğrencileri başvurabilir. Ayrıca;
tasarım, mimari, psikoloji, biyoloji, sosyoloji vs.‘den oluşan çok alanlı takımlar
kurulabilir. Başvuru yapacak kişilerin yurtdışına çıkmalarında hiçbir engel
Kimler Başvuramaz?:
Yarışmayı düzenleyen, yarışma için istihdam edilmiş kişiler ve bu kişilerin
aileleri, ortakları ve bağlantılı aile şirketi ve çalışanları başvuramaz. Çıkar
Çatışması içinde bulunan bireylerin başvuruları geçersiz sayılır.
* Katılımcılar YTÜ Temsilcileri/Koordinatörlerine kayıt olmalıdır.
* Temsilcileri/Koordinatörlerin bilgisi dahilinde, yarışma web adresindeki
çevrimiçi katılım formunu yasal-gerçek kimlik bilgileriyle doldurmalıdır.
* 2, 3, 4 veya 5 kişilik takımlar halinde başvurular yapılmalıdır. Valeo ile iletişimi
sağlamak üzere her takımda bir takım lideri seçilmelidir. Başvuru sonrası takım
içinde değişiklik yapılamaz.
Önemli Tarihler:
13 Eylül 2013 Başvuruların başlangıcı
15 Nisan 2014 En iyi 20 takımın seçilmesi ve Prototipleme ödeneği
29 Ağustos 2014 Geliştirme ve prototipleme çalışmalarının son günü
17 Eylül 2014 Finalist 3 takımın seçilmesi
Ekim 2014 Paris Motor Show’14’te kazanan takımın ilanı
Context, purposes and objective
The contest’s purpose is to recognize an innovative automotive equipment project designed by students from around the world.
To coincide with the 2013 Frankfurt Motor Show, Valeo is inviting students from engineering, technical and science schools and universities from around the world to take an active role in automotive innovation by designing equipment that will help build smarter and more intuitive cars by 2030. Students from engineering, technical and science schools and universities will have the opportunity to develop daring and revolutionary solutions for the future.
Innovation is a fundamental aspect of Valeo’s identity. The contest serves to demonstrate that research and development are among the Group’s top priorities. This strategy guides the efforts of Valeo’s 9,000 engineers who innovate daily to develop the car of tomorrow.
The Group plans to recruit over 1,000 engineers and technicians per year over the next three years. It therefore aims to educate students about the challenges offered by professions in automotive technology.
Projects will be judged based on the following criteria:
The idea’s boldness, originality and innovation
Importance and relevance of the challenge addressed and inclusion of social needs
Presentation value of the submission
Mastery of required technical aspects
Demonstration of feasibility of the project through the mock-up
The 20 projects selected for the prototyping phase will receive funding as outlined in Article 12 below.
The winning team will receive a grant of €100,000. All entries must be submitted by 8:00 pm CET on February 14, 2014.
Complete information about the contest as well as the online application form can be found at:
www.valeo.com in the valeo-innovation-challenge section: https://valeoinnovationchallenge.valeo.com
Detailed contest rules
September 2013
The initial Valeo Innovation Challenge rules and regulations were written in French, then translated into English. French law is applicable.
Article 1. ORGANIZER
The organizer of the contest is VALEO, a limited company (société anonyme) with capital of 238,387,620 euros. Its head office is located at 43, rue Bayen, 75848 Paris Cedex 17 (552 030 967 RCS Paris). VALEO will hereafter be referred to as “the organizer.”
The challenge: “Take an active role in automotive innovation: design product or system that will make cars smarter and more intuitive by 2030 and develop daring and revolutionary solutions for the future.”
The contest is open to students from engineering, technical and science schools and universities worldwide. Submissions are limited to one per person (same name and same e-mail address).
Teams may be multidisciplinary in nature and include a designer, sociologist, philosopher, urban planner, architect, biologist, etc.
Participants must have permission to travel outside their country of residence. They must also have as at September2014a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the awards ceremony (October 2014).
The following individuals are not eligible for the contest:
Employees of the organizer, its subsidiaries, parents, or any company managed by the same parent, and their childrens.
Individuals involved in organizing or coordinating the contest and their children.
Individuals with a conflict of interests.
Entries may be submitted beginning Wednesday, September 11, 2013 and must be received by 8:00 pm CET on Friday, February 14, 2014. The awards ceremony will take place in October 2014 during the Paris Motor Show.
The organizer reserves the right to change the contest entry dates due to any force majeure or event beyond its control. The organizer will not be held responsible for these changes.
Participants may register for the contest by completing the online registration form: https://valeoinnovationchallenge.valeo.com Incomplete or incorrect registration forms will not be accepted and will automatically and rightly entail the exclusion of the student from the contest.
Participants are required to register under their legal identity. The organizer reserves the right to verify this identity as deemed necessary.
Participants must create teams of two to five people maximum. No changes to team composition will be permitted once it is submitted. Each team must designate a team leader to represent the team. The team leader will handle all communication with Valeo. The team leader is responsible for coordinating the other team members and keeping accounts of the use and distribution of funds provided by Valeo to finance the project (cf. Article 12). Valeo will not accept any claims related to this procedure.
By entering the contest, participants accept the entirety of the present contest rules without exception, the contest’s ethics rules, as well as all laws, regulations and other rules applicable in France.
The organizer is not required to return submissions following the contest’s conclusion.
The selection process is as follows:
From 09/11/2013 to 8:00 pm CET on 02/14/2014
During the call for entries, and following the official start of the contest at the Frankfurt Motor Show (communicated via press releases, Valeo’s website and social networks), the organizer will inform eligible students about the contest through schools or universities and the organizer’s own communication channels.
Students are invited to form teams of two to five people, register for the contest through the website https://valeoinnovationchallenge.valeo.com and submit their project. Candidates will be informed of the reception of their application by e-mail.
In conjunction with Valeo R&D Experts, the organizer will select the top 20 projects from the entries it receives.
Following the selection process, Valeo will release a list of the 20 nominated projects on the website https://valeoinnovationchallenge.valeo.com and social networks on April 15, 2014.
Valeo will not accept any claims related to this procedure.
From 04/15/2014 to 8:00 pm CET on 08/29/2014
The 20 qualifying teams will have 20 weeks to finalize their project (description and mock-up).
The specifications defined by the organizer will be posted on the site:
After examining all 20 projects, Valeo will announce the three teams selected to present their projects to the jury in Paris. Candidates will be informed by e-mail.
Phase 3: AWARDS
The winning team, in addition to the second- and third- place teams, will be announced and presented with an award at the Paris Motor Show (October 2014).
Reminder: the jury has full discretion and is under no obligation to release its selection criteria. For this reason, no claims concerning the selection process will be accepted.
Once the jury makes its selection, the 20 teams will be informed by e-mail of the contest results by October 31, 2014.
All projects must meet the following criteria and technical requirements:
• All entry submissions must be written in English.
• PHASE 1 – Project outline of six pages maximum, illustrations permitted (photos,drawings ).
Selection criteria:
The idea’s boldness, originality and innovation (50 %)
Importance and relevance of the challenge addressed and inclusion of social needs (20%)
Presentation value of the submission (10%)
Mastery of required technical aspects (10%)
Demonstration of feasibility for Phase 2 (10%)
Details are available at : https://valeoinnovationchallenge.valeo.com The criteria listed above are applicable throughout all phases of the competition.
• PHASE 2 – Submission of a mock-up and/or other media (video, slideshow, flash animation, 2D or 3D images, etc.), as well as a written document of twenty pages maximum and five pages of annexes maximum. The following file types are accepted:
Usual office software (.xls, .doc, .ppt, .odt),
3D CAD files (Catia V5, NX),
2D CAD files (Autocad),
3D CAD design files (Allias),
Video files (.avi, .mpeg),
Image files (.png, .jpeg, .tif, etc),
PDF files (.pdf).
Selection criteria:
The idea’s boldness, originality and innovation (50 %)
Importance and relevance of the challenge addressed and inclusion of social needs (20%)
Presentation value of the submission (10%)
Mastery of required technical aspects (10%)
Building of the mock-up (10%)
The organizer will specify the submission detailsat the beginning of Phase 2. These specifications will be sent to the 20 selected teams on April 15, 2014.
PHASE 3 – Project presentation to the jury.
Jury members are designated by the contest organizer.
The contest jury will be chaired by Valeo’s CEO. Its members will include Valeo’s COO, Innovation and Sales Directors, as well as third parties recognized for their experience and professional expertise (scientists, designers, sociologists, philosophers, etc.).
The jury is responsible for designating the three nominees and selecting the contest winner.
The panel’s decisions are at its sole and absolute discretion and no claims will be accepted concerning its selection.
Article 9. GRANT
The team selected as the grand prize winner according to the terms established by Valeo will receive one hundred thousand euros (€100,000), distributed evenly among all team members by bank transfer. Second-place and third-place teams will each receive ten thousand euros (€10,000), distributed equally among all members of each team by bank transfer. In the event that two teams are tied, one hundred thousand euros (€100,000) will be shared evenly among the members of the two teams, or fifty thousand euros (€50,000) for each team.
The allocation of intellectual property rights will be made on a case-by-case-basis, taking into account local laws. If and when necessary, Valeo will follow up patents, in particular at the end of the prototyping phase.
Participants declare on their honor that they are the authors of their project, that they have not yet published the project elsewhere and that their project contains no plagiarism.
Throughout the contest, Valeo will publicize information concerning the teams’ identity and the nature of their projects. In addition, the teams agree to provide biographical information and photographs as requested by Valeo. They accept the publication of these items on the Valeo website https://valeoinnovationchallenge. valeo.com and social networks in connection with communications surrounding the contest.
The winner(s) give their express and free consent to the use and publication of their name(s) on any media platform, as well as for any publicity or promotional campaign concerning the current contest, until end 2017.
Any personal data provided by participants for their registration or at any other time during the contest are intended only for Valeo, which may communicate the data to its technical partners. Valeo will only use the data to properly administer the contest and it will destroy the data as soon as they are no longer needed for this purpose, following the conclusion of each step in the contest.
In accordance with Article 27 of the French Computing and Civil Liberties (loi Informatique et Libertés) law of January 6, 1978, participants are guaranteed the right to access, change or delete any personal data and oppose any processing of these data by writing to the following address:
Direction de la Communication
43, rue Bayen
75848 Paris Cedex 17
The 20 teams selected in Phase 2 (developing a mock-up) will each receive a sum of five thousand euros (€5,000) to develop their idea and build a functioning mock-up (physical equipment, software, etc.). This sum will be distributed by bank transfer to each team leader before April 30th, 2014.
The organizer will handle all travel arrangements to Paris for all members of the three finalist teams, including roundtrip airfare and hotel stays. This does not including meals, beverages, travel insurance, personal expenses, trips and entertainment not provided by the organizer, which remain the full responsibility of each finalist.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel or postpone the contest if necessary without justification. The present rules may be altered without prior notice at any moment during the contest. Should this occur, participants will be notified through the website and the updated rules will be registered with SCP DARRICAU PECASTAING and published in the same way as the original rules. No claims will be accepted concerning rules changes.
The organizer will not be held responsible in any of the following situations, though this list is not exhaustive:
Failure of any reception or communications systems
Loss of any paper or electronic mail and, more generally, loss of any data
Transfer problems
Problems resulting from computer viruses, bugs, malfunctions, or technical issues
Damage caused to any participant’s personal computer.
Internet access conditions and limitations, notably in terms of technical performance and time needed to consult, process , or transfer data; network congestion; and computer virus risk are the full responsibility of participants. The organizer will not be held responsible for any material or immaterial damage caused to participants, their IT equipment or their data stored on this equipment, nor any impact this may have on the result of the contest or the personal and professional activities of participants. It is participants’ responsibility to take any and all measures necessary to protect their data and/or software stored on their IT equipment against any risk or attack. Accessing the website https://valeoinnovationchallenge.valeo.com and taking part in the contest are the sole responsibility of participants.
The organizer reserves the right to take legal action against any individual attempting or committing fraud. However, it will not incur any responsibility toward other participants for any cases of fraud.
These rules are subject to French law.
Any legal action that cannot be resolved amicably will fall under the jurisdiction of the relevant courts in Paris, including action against multiple defendants, supplemental claims and warranty recourse.
Participants agree to refrain from sharing any information about their project until the contest results are announced.
The present rules were registered with Maître Pecastaing – judicial officer – 4, Place Constantin Pecqueur, 75018 Paris, France.
The contest rules are available online at http://www.etude-dp.fr on the “Consulter les règlements de jeux-concours” (Consult the contest rules) page of the “Jeux Concours” (Contests) section (in French only) and on the website https://valeoinnovationchallenge.valeo.com The contest rules are available at no cost by addressing a written request by e-mail to the organizer.
Article 18. CONTACT
At any time, participants may address any questions to questionsvaleoinnovationchallenge.mailbox@valeo.com
Article 19. HOSTING
The Valeo Innovation Challenge site is hosted by Prosodie:
150 rue Gallieni, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt,