UN Sustainable Development Challenge

“BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Projesi” Öğrencilere Yönelik Proje Tasarım Yarışması

Dear Permanent Mission Staff,

I am the Research Assistant for the Center for UN and Global Governance Studies in the School of Diplomacy at Seton Hall University. Seton Hall University is located 30 minutes from New York City, which provides an ideal location for graduates and undergraduates studying International Relations and Diplomacy at SHU. More information about the School of Diplomacy is available here.

The Center for UN and Global Governance studies has an annual UN Sustainable Development Challenge, which asks high school seniors and college seniors or graduates to design projects that advance the Sustainable Development Goals. The finalists can win cash prizes and scholarships. We would appreciate your help notifying the students and schools that you work with about this opportunity. A flyer for the Challenge is attached. The deadline is March 3, 2019.


Kendra Brock
Research Assistant
Center for UN and Global Governance Studies
School of Diplomacy, Seton Hall University

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