It is a much-debated argument that the social and human sciences establish a hegemony, which strengthens the philosophical and intellectual position of West, by means of methodological approaches and various arguments/theories. This situation becomes more visible by constituting a dominant paradigm and it encourages people to ignore the other scientific thoughts and discourses. Moreover, it is possible to claim that the current hegemony in the social and human sciences has a deep-seated historical and epistemological background. Thus, expect some of the critical arguments, it is obvious that the concepts produced by Western thought are made sense and globally used with ethnocentric reflexes. This identification process continuously re-produces itself in different contexts and by the material superiority of West.
On the other hand, Western-oriented hegemonic approaches on the scientific endeavour have been widely discussed thanks to the ontological background of the sciences and specifically social sciences, which provides dynamism and critical way of thinking to the scientists.
In the face of the arguments summarized above and the general picture appears in Western World, we aim at reviving and critically analysing this hegemony, which is established over Islam and Muslims by means of the social sciences, in an international congress we plan to organize. For that purpose, we would like to invite the academicians and thinkers, who are from different areas of specialization in the social sciences and aware towards the subject, to our congress.
1. Philosophical Roots of Hegemonic Discourse
Perception of Civilization and Science
Methodology Debates in the Sciences
Value Perceptions
Understandings on Being and Universe
2. Hegemonic Discourse and History
Nation-State and Modernity
Orientalism and Hegemony of Discourse
Colonialism and Hegemony of Discourse
3.Hegemonic Discourse and Society
Islamophobia of Phobia towards Muslims?
The Reflection of Islamic Pluralism on Concepts
Islam as a Social Fact and Life Style
Percepton of Islam and Discourse of Inability
Muslim Population in Europe and Perception of Islam
Perception of Islam in Muslim Societies
Islam and Women in Hegemonic Discourse
Terror, Violence and “Islamisation of Horror”
4.Hegemonic Discourse and Media
Hate Speech in Written and Visual Media and Perception of Islam
Perception of Islam in Movies and Series
Symbolic Violence towards Islam
Reproduction of Reality in Media
5.Hegemony and Politics
Political Islam
Islamophobia as a Style in Politics
Nationalism, Racism and Nation-State
Amendments Against Islam
6.Hegemonic Discourse and Religious Literature
Hegemonic Interpretations of Religious Concepts
Islamisation of Knowledge
“Moderated” Islam
Islamic Concepts Instead of Conformism
7.Hegemonic Discourse and Economics
Economics Discourse Independent from Values
Methodological Hegemony of Orthodox Economics
Economy and Imperialism
Alternative Economics Discourses Against Orthodox Hegemony
8. Hegemonic Discourse and Literature
Violence in Literary Works
Religion and Faith in Literary Works
The Concept of Nationalism in Literary Works
Perceptions of Nation and State in Literary Works
Important Dates
Conference Date: 5-7 May 2016
Abstract Deadline: 15 January 2016
Announcement of Accepted Abstracts: 30 January 2016
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 30 March 2016
Announcement of Conference Programme: 15 April 2016