Are you at the beginning of your research career – with the potential to be world-class?
Is your research in the physical, natural or social sciences or humanities?
Do you want to build and maintain links with leading researchers in the UK?
Then apply for a Newton International Fellowship.
The current round opens for applications on 31 January 2013. The closing date for the round of applications is 10 April 2013.
The Newton International Fellowship scheme will select the very best early stage post-doctoral researchers from all over the world, and offer support for two years at UK research institutions.
The long-term aim of the scheme is to build a global pool of research leaders and encourage long-term international collaboration with the UK.
The Newton International Fellowships scheme is run by The British Academy and the Royal Society.
The Fellowships cover the broad range of physical, natural and social sciences and the humanities.
They provide grants of £24,000 per annum to cover subsistence and up to £8,000 per annum to cover research expenses, plus a one-off relocation allowance of up to £2,000.
In addition, Newton Fellows may be eligible for follow-up funding of up to £6,000 per annum for up to 10 years following the completion of the Fellowship.
Applications are made online through e-GAP2, an electronic application system run by the Royal Society. You must have a strong research project and a UK Sponsor.
Applications for all Newton International Fellowships should be made online through the Royal Society’s Electronic Grant Application and Processing (e-GAP2, system.
Before starting to complete the online form, you should read the Scheme Notes.
You should also be aware that an application is made jointly by you and your proposed UK Sponsor. Please note that no help in finding a UK Sponsor will be provided by either of the two implementing academies. You need to have agreed a research project with your proposed UK Sponsor before you apply.
You will be asked to identify two independent referees who are familiar with your area of research. You should send them a copy of your application; please make sure that they are aware of the main features of your proposal.
You should send them the e-GAP2 – Guidance for Referees, found in the Scheme Notes, which tell them how to provide reference statements on e-GAP2.
You will also be asked to provide details of individuals who will be asked to submit statements of support via e-GAP2 outlining your suitability for the Fellowship and explaining how it will benefit your research career.
The scheme is very competitive and as such it is important to make the best case for your application. You should:
Include all relevant information and supporting arguments in the application. The application stands alone and there is no opportunity for reconsideration on further evidence after assessments have been made.
Observe the assessment criteria to ensure you are providing the necessary information to show how your application meets these.
Present your application clearly; evidence of good planning, financial responsibility and measurable outcomes can be as important as excellent research.
Save information entered on e-GAP2 as you proceed: you may be automatically logged out after a long period of inactivity and any unsaved information will be lost.
Print a copy of your application and check that no information is omitted before submitting: once submitted you will not be able to edit your application without asking your approver to return it to you.
Specific enquiries on e-GAP2 should be addressed to:
Before you contact us, you might want to glance through the ‘your questions’ page to see if an answer to your question is provided there.
General enquiries on the Newton International Fellowships:
Specific enquiries on the electronic grant application system (e-Gap2):
Enquiries about this website, including accessibility issues: