Uluslararası Hutbe-i Şamiye Sempozyumu: “İslam Dünyası ve Küresel Barış”

Dear Scientists,

“International Symposium on Hutbe-İ Şamiye, “The Muslim World and Global Peace” will be organized by Mardin Artuklu University, Risale Academy, Foundation of Science and Culture and Akademic Researchs Foundation between 12 to 14 April 2013 dates.

Said Nursi (1876-1960), in a long speech, he made in Arabic Language in the Umayyad Mosque, Damascus in the spring of 1911, talks about six fundemental problems of the muslim world and he proposes the Hutbe-i Şamiye as a remedy from the “pharmacy of the Quran” by his own terms. He cites the barriers before the material and spiritual progress, which will make a base, for the unity of muslim world. He also explains how to overcome those barriers. When examined carefully, it is possible to say that those hypotheses and portraits, which were revealed at a hard and dark time that almost all the muslim world were colonized and the Ottoman State was at the threshold of collapsing, on hopeful-promising topics, are still valid today.

This picture handles the issue of how to transform the nations that make up the Ottoman State into the great humanity in an atmosphere covering the world that the faith for a better future was collapsed, contrary to the brotherhood of faith of the muslims that was lost in the worldly conflicts due to individual or group selfishness, political, social, and scientific dictatorship surrounding the freedom that is an entity of faith, abandoning of brotherhood relations coming from both creation and religion, and the future horizon is surrounded by the I-centered patriotism.

This description based on the assumption that history and society are not only causative but also melekuti, accepts that individual muslim is the central actor of development. It establishes the unity upon the ideal of the great humanity, unites the muslims around the brotherhood concept, neutralizes the negative apartheid effects of sective, etnical or group movements, supports solidarity against the colonialist face of the christan-secular western world on one hand, re-establishes the dialoge-base with its civilized face via the concept of jihad/spiritual efforts.

The Hutbe-i Şamiye, as a socio-political and global creation manifesto based on the understanding of the great humanity, contains the tips of a global consistency in order to fix the world on an axis of dialogue and peace, at the process of transformation of the relations between the muslim world and the western world from arabic spring into democratic-İslamic spring.

The papers that will be presented at the symposium of Hutbe-i Şamiye, that We believe, will make great contribution in the re-construction of the islamic worl in special and global peace in general, will serch into the following headings/topics in respect to the Hutbe-i Şamiye and other boks by Said Nursi:

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.