Twentieth Annual Conference on Economics and Security

Twentieth Annual Conference on Economics and Security

15th-17th June 2016

Hosted by: TED University, Ankara, Turkey

Venue: TED University, Ankara, Turkey

The twentieth annual international conference on economics and security will take place
in Ankara. As usual, the conference aims to provide an opportunity for economists,
political scientists and others from around the world to share ideas and discuss the future
developments in the following areas:

– Regional security
– Economics of security
– Corruption and military spending
– Globalisation and the restructuring of the MIC
– Militarism and development
– Security sector reform
– Economics of conflict and war
– Post-conflict reconstruction
– Economics of the arms trade
– Procurement and offsets
– Arms races and alliances
– Peace economics and peace science
– Conversion and demilitarisation
– Economics of terrorism

Offers of papers on related topics are also welcome.

The conference will have plenary sessions with keynote speakers and specialist workshop
streams. Further information on the organization of the conference will posted on the
conference website at:

If you are interested in organizing a session at the 2016 Conference, please send a
proposal with a title, brief summary, list of titles and proposed speakers. If you would like to present a paper please send a title and an abstract of less than 300 words as soon as
possible. Both should be sent before 8 th May 2016 to:

15-17th June 2016 20th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security

Conference Organizers:
J Paul Dunne University of Cape Town
Julide Yildirim TED University
Nadir Öcal Middle East Technical University
Selami Sezgin Eskişehir Osmangazi University
Tekin Köse TED University

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.