Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology
Dear Respected Collegues
Following the third meeting of TESNAT conference in 2017 in Adana, Turkey, which was judged by the participants as a success in terms of scientific presentations and posters as well as invited talks, we are delighted to announce the fourth conference in the series TESNAT-2018 which will be held in Antalya between 20-22 April, 2018. This main theme of this year’s conference is advances in nuclear research and applications.
With aim of establishing collaboration among nuclear scientist from all over the world, TESNAT conferences offer successful discussions to benefit from on nuclear theories and techniques that have found widespread applications in many disciplines over the last century. TESNAT-2018 will gather stimulating speakers as well as oral and poster presentations within a rich scientific program that will be of beneficial to the nuclear scientists.
Congress Organizing Committee
TESNAT 2018 Theoretical and Experimental Studies in Nuclear Applications and Technology which will be organized with cooperation of Akdeniz University is an international and peer-reviewed congress.
Radiation Physics and Radiation Protection
Accelerator Physics
Reactor Technology
Applied Nuclear Physics
Computational Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Application in Life Sciences
Nuclear Astrophyics
Nuclear Energy
Nuclear Reactions
Medical Physics
Health Physics
Luminescence and ESR Dosimetry
Nuclear Energy Strategy and Policy
Radiation Measurement and Radiation Dosimetry
The Deadline for Abstract Submission 31 March 2018
The Deadline for Registration 15 April 2018