Clatsop Community College presents our sixth annual international juried exhibition,
Au Naturel: the Nude in the 21st Century, to be held February 23rd – March 29th, 2012
Important dates
•Submission deadline: entries must be received by Midnight (11:59:59 pm) Mountain
Time, Monday, November 7th, 2011. (Please note: Online CaFÉ™ Tech support is
available weekdays M-F 9 a.m. -5 p.m. MT)
•Notifi cation of acceptance or non-acceptance will be e-mailed by Wednesday, November
30th, 2011
•Accepted work to arrive at the Art Center Gallery no later than February 8th, 2012
•Exhibition dates: February 23rd – March 29th, 2012
•Artist Reception: Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. with a special pre-opening
gathering for the artists at 5:00 p.m.
•Pick-up date for hand-delivered work: Friday, March 30th, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
•Shipped work will be returned ASAP with return label provided by the artist
International Juried Exhibition • February 23rd – March 29, 2012
ELIGIBILITY: Au Naturel is an international juried competition open to all artists working in
any two-dimensional drawing, painting, and printmaking media with a focus on the nude human
fi gure as subject matter in any form ranging from representational to abstract, and in which
the handmade mark is employed as the primary means of image-making. Due to the special
focus of this exhibit, photography is not eligible. Entrants must be 18 years or older. Artwork
created under the supervision of an instructor is not eligible. Submitted artwork must have
been executed in the last three years and must be available for the duration of the exhibit. Any
artwork reproduced by photomechanical processes (including giclée prints) will not be accepted.
Please visit to view artwork of previous Au Naturel exhibitions and for
further information about the exhibit.
Juror: We are pleased to announce that the juror for the 2012 exhibit is BONNIE LAING-
MALCOLMSON, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Curator of Northwest Art at the Portland
Art Museum. Appointed in August of 2010, she is responsible for the Museum’s distinguished
collection of Northwest art from the late 19th century to today. Her duties include the research,
documentation, and building of the collection and presenting exhibitions based on the collection
and the work of artists living and working in Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Washington, and
Wyoming. Prior to her appointment at the Portland Art Museum she was president of Oregon
College of Art & Craft (OCAC) from 2000 to 2010. Ms. Laing-Malcolmson served from 1994-2000
as executive director of Paris Gibson Square Museum
of Art in Great Falls, Montana, and she was director of
academic affairs and admission at the Pacifi c Northwest
College of Art in Portland, Oregon from 1981 to 1987.
Ms. Laing-Malcolmson was born in Seattle and has a
BFA in Painting from the Pacifi c Northwest College of Art
and an MFA in Painting from Montana State University.
She has taught studio courses and art history in the
Montana State University system and at art schools in
Portland, and has exhibited her own artwork in the west
and abroad.
•$1000 in cash prizes
• Up to $2000 in purchase awards
• One artist will be chosen to be featured in a solo show for the following exhibition season
• A select number of Visiting Artist Workshop awards will also be granted
NOTE: Applications are being handled online through CaFÉ™ (Call for Entry):
Applications must be received on CaFÉ™ by Midnight (11:59:59 pm) Mountain Time,
November 7th, 2011. There is no additional fee to use the CaFÉ™ online application system. To
enter, visit, register a username and password, navigate to Apply to
Calls, and search the list for Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century. For detailed instructions on using the site, click
on CaFÉ Help ). If this page does not address your needs, please contact
CaFÉ at Monday through Friday, between 8:30 am and 5 pm Mountain Time or e-mail kshauck@ or call 503-338-2472.
SIZE/WEIGHT LIMITATIONS: Maximum dimensions: 6 feet x 10 feet and must not weigh more than 50 lbs.
uncrated. All accepted artwork must be framed or otherwise professionally presented with wires or hanging devices
(no saw-tooth hangers).
REPRODUCTION OF IMAGES: Entering this competition constitutes agreement that images may be used for
publicity. Upon acceptance, all artists must submit a high resolution image of each accepted artwork of at least 300
dpi and at least 7” x 9”.
NOTIFICATION: Notifi cation of acceptance/non-acceptance will be by e-mail.
FEES: There is a non-refundable $35 entry fee for the submission of one to three images, and $5.00 for each
additional image beyond the third. The maximum number of images that may be submitted is 15. Payment may be
made online through CaFÉ with a credit card. Alternatively, you may also pay by check:
Please make check or money order payable to Clatsop Community College Art Center Gallery. Mail to: Au Naturel
International Juried Exhibition c/o Kristin Shauck, Visual Arts Center, Clatsop Community College, 1651
Lexington Avenue, Astoria, OR 97103. Please note that our mailing address has changed.
SHIPPING: All work shipped must be sent in reusable crates or cartons. Accepted artists will be notifi ed by e-mail
with specifi c shipping instructions. Please be sure to follow shipping instructions carefully. The gallery will assume no
responsibility for any damages incurred during shipping.
NOTE: Artists are responsible for ALL shipping arrangements and shipping costs. • If the artist does not make return
shipping arrangements or does not pick-up hand-delivered work within 90 days of the close of the exhibit, the artwork
will become the property of the CCC Art Center Gallery.
• The gallery will retain a 35% percent commission on all sales.
• All artwork will be insured for the duration of the exhibit.
• Sales price is determined by the artist; however, the artist may choose to designate artwork as NFS (not for sale).
• Artwork must be available for the duration of the show (February 23rd – March 29th, 2012 ).
• The gallery reserves the right not to exhibit any artwork that differs signifi cantly from the submitted image and/or is
not properly framed (artwork framed with glass is only acceptable for hand-delivered work; if glazing is desired for
framed work that will be shipped, do not use glass—use plexiglass) or otherwise professionally presented with wires
or appropriate hanging devices (no saw-tooth hangers).
• Work that does not comply with the terms of the prospectus will not be included in the exhibition and will be
returned at the artist ’s expense.
• Pick-up date of hand-delivered work: Friday, March 30th, 2012 from 8:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
• Shipped work will be returned ASAP using the return shipping label provided by the artist. Artists must arrange and
pay for a pre-paid return shipping label (please note: the United States Post Offi ce does not issue pre-paid return
labels, so please use another courier such as FedEx, UPS, or DHL). Be sure to include artist’s name, return address,
weight of loaded crate and dimensions clearly written on each box, and please also securely attach a printed image
of the artwork on the outside of the box for visual identifi cation.
DEADLINE: entries must be submitted by Midnight (11:59:59 pm) Mountain Time, Monday, November 7th, 2011.
QUESTIONS? Please refer to the CaFÉ Web site for detailed information about how to prepare digital images
) or for complete instructions about how to submit an application
). For technical support, contact CaFÉ at Monday through
Friday, between 8:30 am and 5 pm Mountain Time. For questions about eligibility and other competition requirements,
contact or call 503-338-2472.
Au Naturel International Juried Exhibition c/o Kristin Shauck, Visual Arts Center, Clatsop Community
College, 1651 Lexington Avenue, Astoria, OR 97103
Clatsop Community College is an affi rmative action, equal opportunity institution.