“The International Educational Technology Conference (IETC)” is an international educational activity for academics, teachers and educators. IETC promotes development and dissemination of theoretical knowledge, conceptual research, and professional knowledge through conference activities, journals (TOJET, TOJNED and TOJDEL) and proceeding books. Its focus is on sharing, creating and disseminating knowledge among academicians, school administrators and teachers about the use of instructional technology for learning and teaching in educational field. This conference is now a well-known educational technology event worldwide and the number of paper submissions and attendees are increasing every year.
16th International Educational Technology Conference (IETC) will be held between February 4-6, 2016 in Dubai, UAE, This congress is a combined academic efforts of The Association of Science Education and Technology (TASET), Sakarya University, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Istanbul University and Governors State University
We would like you to welcome to present your academic work in IETC 2016 Dubai and share your knowledge and experiences with us.
Selected papers will be published in TOJET. TOJET is indexed in ERIC and SCOPUS.
General Coordinator
Prof. Dr. Aytekin İŞMAN
Conference Language
Papers should be in Italian, Turkish, English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Arabic and should address both theoretical issues and new research findings. Abstract submitted to the conference must be in English and 50-100 words abstract should be provided. The paper should be minimum 3, maximum 8 pages long including pictures and tables.
The convergence of recent technologies, web and mobile technologies, provides unique opportunities and an infrastructure for both face to face and online learning environments. However, specific environments for constructing knowledge are needed. In such environments, knowledge media should bring together the technology and learning theories to form meaningful settings for learners with different academic, administrative and support needs. IETC aims to provide an environment for experts to discuss the current state of the art for learning in schools, industry and universities. Virtual environments, CSCL, m-learning, e-training and e-learning will be topics of particular interest.
IETC conference is supported by many universities and organizations, and it is venued by National Central University where the academic culture has long been a tradition. Further, the SSCI Indexed scholarly Journal TOJET sponsors the event through publishing selected papers. As it is the tenth annual event, IETC series has already formed a large, multi-national and friendly community of colleagues who love to share ideas. IETC invites you to submit proposals for papers and poster presentations.
The scope of the conference will cover but not be limited to:
Asynchronous Learning Authoring Technology Best Practices In ICT Classrooms Constructivist Perspectives Cooperative/Collaborative Learning Data Mining Strategies For E-Learning Organizations Diffusion Of Innovation Distance and Open Learning Educational Technology & Globalization Best Practices In ICT Classrooms E-Portfolios Human Resources In Educational Technology Human-Computer Interaction Hypermedia Applications ICT Integration ICT Literacy In Education Improving Classroom Teaching Innovation and Change In Education Instructional Design Intelligent E-Learning Systems Intelligent Training Technology Interactive E-Learning Systems Interactive Learning Environment Knowledge Management In E-Learning Knowledge Management In E-Learning Learning and Content Management Systems Learning and Teaching With Technology Learning Objects Life Long Learning and Technology Mobile Learning Multimedia Applications Network Based Education and Training Pedagogical and Practical Issues Simulations In Education Teaching/Learning Strategies Video Games For Learning Virtual Classroom, Virtual University Classroom Teacher Education College and Higher Education Curriculum and Instruction Distance Education Educational Technology Learning and Teaching Learning Psychology New Learning Environments Society Involvement Vocational Education Applied Sciences-Computers Applied Sciences-Information Technology Applied Sciences-Technology Applied Sciences-Wireless Social Sciences-Communication Instructional Designs and Improvements of Teaching Systems Integrated Learning Perspective Tendencies in the Field of Education Communication and its Technology Technological Equipment
Proposal & Abstract Submission Deadline: Until February 1, 2016
Full Paper Submission : Until February 20, 2016
Registration: Until February 2, 2016
Conference: February 4-6, 2016
Attention: When you submit your paper you will be informed about your submission in 4-5 days whether it is accepted or not.