The 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks
November 26-28, 2013 Aksaray/Turkey
In Technical Cooperation with ACM /SIGSAC. Proceedings by ACM Press and Digital Library.
The 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2013) provides an international forum for presentation of research and applications of security in information and networks. SIN 2013 features contributed as well as invited papers, special sessions, workshops, and tutorials on theory and practice. Its drive is to convene a high quality, well-attended, and up-to-date conference on scientific and technical issues of security in information, networks, and systems.
One day before the conference is reserved for Workshop and Tutorial proposals, if any. Main conference days are November 26-28, 2013. Conference days are reserved for invited talks by keynote speakers, presentations of contributed papers, special sessions, and social program. Pre- and post-conference social programs will be available as well.
Call for Contributions:
Papers addressing all aspects of security in information and networks are being sought. Researchers and industrial practitioners working on the following and related subjects are especially encouraged: Development and realization of cryptographic solutions, security schemes, new algorithms; critical analysis of existing approaches; secure information systems, especially distributed control and processing applications, and security in networks; interoperability, service levels and quality issues in such systems; information assurance, security, and public policy; detection and prevention of cybercrimes such as fraud and phishing; next generation network architectures, protocols, systems and applications; industrial experiences and challenges of the above.
The list of topics of interest is available under Call for Proposals on the left.
Organized by:
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey
Department of Computer Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
The Centre for Advanced Computing – Algorithms and Cryptography (ACAC) & The Information and Networked Systems Security (INSS) & Intelligent Systems Group (ISG), Dept. of Computing, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Department of Security of Information Technologies, South-Russian Regional Scientific-Educational Center for Information Security Problems, Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Rostov, Russia
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey
Ahiler Development Agency, Nevşehir, Turkey
Hosted by: Aksaray University, Aksaray, Turkey.
Call for Abstract Papers:
Abstract paper proposals addressing all aspects of security in information and networks are being sought. Researchers and industrial practitioners working on the following and related subjects are especially encouraged: Development and realization of cryptographic solutions, security schemes, new algorithms; critical analysis of existing approaches; secure information systems, especially distributed control and processing applications, and security in networks; interoperability, service levels and quality issues in such systems; information assurance, security, and public policy; detection and prevention of cybercrimes such as fraud and phishing; next generation network architectures, protocols, systems and applications; industrial experiences and challenges of the above.
The submitted papers of one page maximum should be formatted according to ) double-column ACM conference format. All proposals must be submitted electronically via the SIN 2013 Abstract Paper Submission Site at (
Submissions will be printed in SIN’13 ABSTRACTS Proceedings.
The full CFP is here. Please check Important Dates tab for due dates.
Call for Proposals:
NB: regular proposal due dates have now passed.
Papers, special sessions, tutorials, and workshops addressing all aspects of security in information and networks are being sought. Researchers and industrial practitioners working on the following and related subjects are especially encouraged: Development and realization of cryptographic solutions, security schemes, new algorithms; critical analysis of existing approaches; secure information systems, especially distributed control and processing applications, and security in networks; interoperability, service levels and quality issues in such systems; information assurance, security, and public policy; detection and prevention of cybercrimes such as fraud and phishing; next generation network architectures, protocols, systems and applications; industrial experiences and challenges of the above.
Topics of Interest: Possible topics include:
Access control and intrusion detection
Cyber Physical Systems
Autonomous and adaptive security
Security tools and development platforms
Computational intelligence techniques in security
Security ontology, models, protocols & policies
Computer network defense
Standards, guidelines and certification
Cryptographic techniques and key management
Security-aware software engineering
Industrial applications of security
Trust and privacy
Information assurance
Cyber Warfare (attacks and defenses)
Next generation network architectures
Malware analysis
Network security and protocols
Security challenges in Mobile/Embedded Systems
The full Call for Contributions flier is avaliable here for download.
Paper Categories:
• Research contributions – Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted simultaneously to any other conference or workshop that has published proceedings. Maximum length for the proceedings is 8 pages for full papers, 5 pages for short papers.
• Student contributions – Doctoral / Masters Students are encouraged to propose papers on ongoing research. Please add “(Student contribution)” to the title. Maximum length for the proceedings is 5 pages for student papers.
• Industrial contributions – Authors from industry and government enterprises are welcome to submit original papers that describe their experiences, challenges, and applications in security. Maximum length for the proceedings is 8 or 5 pages.
• Position papers, fast abstracts and posters – Authors are also encouraged to propose position papers / fast abstracts on practical studies and experiments, critiques of existing work, emerging issues, and novel ideas under development. Maximum length for the proceedings is 2 (possibly 4) pages for fast abstracts and position statements.
• Tool demos – Enterprises and research centers developing, implementing, or using security tools and frameworks are encouraged to propose application / tool demos. Maximum length for the proceedings is 4 pages for tool demos.
Call for Abstract Papers:
Abstract paper proposals addressing all aspects of security in information and networks are being sought. Researchers and industrial practitioners working on the following and related subjects are especially encouraged: Development and realization of cryptographic solutions, security schemes, new algorithms; critical analysis of existing approaches; secure information systems, especially distributed control and processing applications, and security in networks; interoperability, service levels and quality issues in such systems; information assurance, security, and public policy; detection and prevention of cybercrimes such as fraud and phishing; next generation network architectures, protocols, systems and applications; industrial experiences and challenges of the above.
The submitted papers of one page maximum should be formatted according to ) double-column ACM conference format. All proposals must be submitted electronically via the SIN 2013 Abstract Paper Submission Site at (
Conference Contacts:
Conference email: info (at) sinconf (dot) org
Local Arrangements Chair: hkaradal (at) gmail (dot) com
E-Presence Chair: muhammetsaygin (at) gmail (dot) com