Teacher Education in Transition to Knowledge Society

Maltepe University Faculty of Education calls for abstract submissions of papers for the Internatioal Students’ Congress, entitled “Teacher Education in Transition to Knowledge Society”, which will be held on 31 March – 1 April 2016.

Education is a process which plays an important role in developing personalities, cultural background and success or even failure in the lives of young people. This process has been a subject of dispute for today and throughout history. National and international development in society necessitates an approach to educational problems with a dynamic perspective. The objectives of this congress are to discuss local and international problems in education together with their possible solutions; to evaluate the role of teaching profession in solving these problems and to discuss the qualifications that prospective teachers should acquire from the young perspectives of teacher candidates

You should visit our web site for the updates in Students’ Congress.


Faculty of Education
Maltepe University, İstanbul, TURKEY
31 March – 1 April 2016

The Faculty of Education Students’ Local Organizing Committee at Maltepe University is pleased to announce the call for papers for the undergraduate students’ conference on ‘Teacher Education in Transition to Knowledge Society’ to be held at Maltepe University on 31 March – 1 April 2016.

We welcome submission for individual papers and panel proposals that should be addressing, but not limited to

What is the knowledge society and its features?

Being a student and a teacher in the knowledge society

Expectations from teachers of the future

Changing education and training needs

Teacher training in the knowledge society

21st Century Skills: What are professionals made of?

Creative Professionalism (The role of teachers’ in the knowledge society)

What is the knowledge technology and types of knowledge technology?

Education in the knowledge society (Formal and informal education)

The role and impact of libraries in the knowledge society

What are the expectations of the knowledge society and how human is modeled in the knowledge society?

Abstracts can be submitted via e-mail to iesc@maltepe.edu.tr by 1st January, 2016 and should contain a clear outline of the argument, theoretical framework, methodology and results.

The text of the abstracts should be submitted in ENGLISH only, in a separate Word document in the following format: max. 300-400 words, 1.5 line spaced Arial (Plain) 11-point font (except for title which should be Times New Roman 14-point font), A4 size page formatting, with the page margins of 2.5 cm from the left, top and bottom and 2 cm from the right.

Panel proposals should consist of five individual contributions, combining a panel abstract with five individual abstracts of max. 500 words each ( 5 x 500 for individual abstracts, plus 500 for the panel’s abstract)

We encourage lecturers, teachers and professors to circulate this call widely across your undergraduate students. This will be a unique occasion to visit the legendary city of Istanbul, where you can enjoy the harmony of cultures.

Please circulate this call widely across undergraduate students in relevant to education such as special education, early childhood education, foreign language education, mathematics education…etc. Participating students will be accompanied by fellow students from Turkey and across the world to debate the raising issues in the area of education in a conference organized by the students of Faculty of Education at Maltepe University with the support of staff of Faculty of Education.


1st January, 2016

Deadline for submission

20th January, 2016

Announcement of accepted abstracts

8th February, 2016

Final Version Due

31 March – 1 April, 2016

Congress Date

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at iesc@maltepe.edu.tr
or visit our website at http:/iesc.maltepe.edu.tr

PS.: There is NO Registration Fee!
Participants attending the conference will be hosted by Maltepe University at our 5-star Marma Congress Centre (www.marmaotel.com). Participants will only have to pay their travel expenses. All other expenses will be provided by Maltepe University!

You can also contact us via

On Behalf of IESC 2016 Organization Committee



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