Statistical Approach to Brain Dynamics

BME – Lifesci – Inovita – TAM Joint Seminar

Statistical Approach to Brain Dynamics

Dr. Sergey Borisenok

6 November 2011 (Tuesday); 14.00 – 16.00

@ Room AZ-19, BME-TAM Bldg, Bogazici Kandilli Campus,

Abstract: Brain dynamics is an interdisciplinary area dealing with the processes of brain activity in at the different scales of time and space. Statistical approach provides the natural way to classify these processes according to three levels: microscopic level (single neurons), mesoscopic level (neuron clusters), and macroscopic level (the whole brain). At the microscopic level we compare classical models, representing neurons as the elements of an electrical circuit, with quantum behavior, coming from the details of biochemical pro-cesses and inter-neuron interactions. At the mesoscopic level of neuron clusters, brain may be described as a condensed matter object, in which collective perturbations (so-called quasi-particles) appear. They define the mechanisms of the information treating, including the reaction for external signals.

About the Speaker: MS(1993, Department of Statistical Physics, Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University, Russia), PhD (1996, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, on the energy spectra in turbulence). Previous work: Faculty of Physics, Herzen State University, St. Petersburg, Russia, Department of Chemical Physics (1996 – 2000); Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel(Post-doc,1999), Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences (for PhD students), Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan (2004 – 2010); Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Letters, Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey (2010 – 2012). His research interests are control methods for quantum objects, nonlinear dynamics and brain dynamic.

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