Sandoz HACk – Healthcare Access Challenge

Sandoz HACk – Healthcare Access Challenge

Despite all the advances in modern medicine, universal access to healthcare is still arguably
the single largest unmet medical need. At Sandoz we believe that the biggest changes often
come from amazing, small ideas. Sometimes, the only difference between a good idea and a
great idea is a little bit of support. That is where Sandoz HACk comes in – the Healthcare
Access Challenge.
We’re calling all creative thinkers to ‘hack healthcare access’ and enter Sandoz HACk,
submitting ideas that use mobile technology (M-Health) to connect people to better health. It
could be in your community or anywhere where you think that your idea could make a
Following a robust judging process, finalists will refine their idea with support from the
OpenIDEO global community, and then be invited to come to London in March 2017 to
present the idea to a panel at WIRED Health, a global event that brings together the brightest
and best in healthcare innovation. Seed funding and mentorship will be provided to three
winners to make their idea a reality.
Enter now to be a part of this initiative and help us to reimagine access to healthcare!

Competition Information

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