We would like to invite you to join our discussions on current theories, practices and experiences in education and technologies.
Current and future perspectives in online education and processes of transferring education to online environment, best practices of teaching online, communicative strategies to make online education maximally interactive and active are in a special focus.
The conference comprises invited talks, workshops, oral presentations in presence and in a virtual mode.
The language of the conference is English.
To participate in the conference the delegates must register by submitting the information according to the mode of their participation.
Oral presenters, workshop speakers and virtual participants submit abstracts of their research to be reviewed for the acceptance to the program of the conference.
The full papers are reviewed for publishing in one of the conference journals or the conference monograph of selected papers.
The conference topics cover :
Transformational processes in education during the global lockdown;
Transferring from face-to-face to online education;
National and international experiences in online learning;
Administrative, infrastructural and managerial processes in online education;
Technological solutions for different scenarios of virtual education; etc.
We are inviting you to discuss the following issues:
Session 1. Technologies and Education
Technical Innovations for Learning Purposes
Social Media in Formal and Informal Education
Emerging pedagogies and practices
Pedagogy and practices of MOOCs
Online tutoring in formal and informal education
Digital competences of pre-service and in-service teachers
Transferring traditional education to the online learning environment
Teaching in multicultural environments
Designing online learning environments: ICT tools and teaching strategies
Emerging technologies
Technologies in Special Education
Teaching languages online
ICT-mediated learning environments
Blended learning
Educational laboratories and equipments
Technical Innovations for Learning Purposes
Social Media in Formal and Informal Education
Emerging pedagogies and practices
Pedagogy and practices of MOOCs
Online tutoring in formal and informal education
Digital competences of pre-service and in-service teachers
Transferring traditional education to the online learning environment
Designing online learning environments: ICT tools and teaching strategies
Emerging technologies
Technologies in Special Education
Teaching online
ICT-mediated learning environments
Educational laboratories and equipments
Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative Technologies in Education
Session 2. Teaching and Learning
Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
Teaching in Multicultural Environments
Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy, Practice & Praxis
Assessment Theories & Methodologies
Curriculum Design & Development
Adult, Lifelong & Distance Learning
Education & Difference: Gifted Education, Special Education, Learning Difficulties & Disability
Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Education
Blended Learning
Educational Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
Educational Research, Development & Publishing
Professional Training, Development & Concerns in Education
Primary & Secondary Education
Mind, Brain & Psychology: Human Emotional & Cognitive Development & Outcomes within Educational Contexts
Counselling, Guidance & Adjustment in Education
Higher Education
Session 3. Languages and Language Education
Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages
Teaching English
Psycholinguistic Studies
Teaching Languages Online
Translation Studies
Language and Culture
Language and Society
Politics and Language
Language of Social Media
Languages in Danger
Training Language Teachers
Problems and Challenges of Training Translators
Translation and Localisation