Ottoman International Conference Serial on Tourism, Management,Economics and Finance

Dear Respected Colleauges,
As the Ottoman journal, we cordially invite you to our Conference which will be organized in Istanbul. There will be short workshops (Publication in Economics, Management&Tourism) by our journal Editors.

Degerli Akademisyenler,
Ottoman dergisi olarak Istanbulda du
zenleyecegimiz olan Konfernas serimize sizleri davet etmekten onur duyariz.Yonetim, Turizm ve Ekonomi alaninda Uluslararasi Yayin konulu workshoplar dergi Editorlerimiz tarafindan verilecektir.

Ottoman International Conference Serial on Tourism, Management,Economics and Finance (ICTMEF2017)
August 18-19, 2017 Istanbul, Turkey
Ottoman:Journal of Tourism and Management Research cordially invites submissions of your research papers for the presentation at the International Conference Serial on Tourism, Management, Economics and Finance (ICTMEF-2017) that will take place on 18-19 August 2017 in Istanbul, Turkey.
The conference will provide a platform and an excellent opportunity for researchers, academicians, practitioners and doctoral students from all around the world to present their research, share the experience and discuss new and challenging multidisciplinary research areas in tourism, management, economics and finance.
Publication Opportunities
Selected papers will also be considered for publication in the issues of Ottoman:Journal of Tourism and Management Research. Selection of articles will be based on a number of criteria such as relevancy with the journal focus areas, quality of research, originality and style. Selected papers are required to undergo further reviews and editing before the actual publication.
Free Workshops
Two short workshops will be organized related “Publication in Economics” and “Publication in Tourism/Management”.
Important Dates
10 June, 2017: Deadline for Abstract/Proposal Submission
Notification of Acceptance: Within 3 Days
June 20, 2017: Deadline for Early Bird Registration
August 8, 2017: Full-Paper Submission
August 18-19, 2017: Conference Days
Registration Fee
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 20 June 2017.
Late Registration Deadline:7 August 2017
Authors: Euro 160
One Day Attendance*:Euro 100
PhD Student: Euro 100
The fee includes admission to the conference, participation certificate, one paper to be presented, a printed abstract proceeding book, two lunches, coffee breaks and conference workshops.
All submissions (abstracts and full papers) to the 2017 ICTMEF Conference must be original work not yet submitted to any other publication prior to the Conference. Submissions must be in English, prepared in Microsoft Word format (2007 or later) and be free of grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors. All submitted abstracts/ full papers are subject to double-blind review process.
Please send your inquiries and Abstract/Full paper to our email: and/or
Kindly visit the ICTMEF17 webpage at
We look forward to receiving your abstracts and welcoming you at the ICTMEF17 conference in Istanbul!
Best regards,

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.