ISPI EMEA 2015, Istanbul, Turkey – October 1 – 3
Why: ISPI EMEA Conferences are purposefully intimate in size (limited to 100 participants) with a format, content and presenters designed to attract executives and professionals from diverse backgrounds and experience that bring with them an enthusiasm for learning, sharing and growing together in the highly participative atmosphere of the conference. ISPI EMEA Conferences consistently attract participants who are highly-skilled, experienced, and eager to learn and share

ISPI EMEA 2015 Conference

October 1-3

Istanbul, Turkey

2015 Conference Theme
Focus on People and Performance: Beyond Training to Organization Results

Key Conference Components
Pre-conference Workshops – 4 – three-hour interactive workshops that sedn you away with immediately applicable knowledge, skills and tools. Simulation – based on real performance improvement opportunities within an organization, it will run throughout the conference The simulation, which runs throughout our conferences, is an extremely valuable opportunity to meet and work together in a team of professionals from varied backgrounds and cultures with diverse skills and experiences, on a real client opportunity. It is a unique way to learn and grow professionally and build onto your network of colleagues and friends in a truly meaningful way. That is, participants have an opportunity to build relationships, not just collect business cards. The simulation allows participants to develop and contribute valuable ideas to the client organization and to gain constructive feedback in return. Active participation on a simulation team provides valuable work experience for team members, all in a safe, nonthreatening atmosphere. Senior Executive Panel – providing an opportunity to hear directly from and interact with respected senior executives, from well-known companies The Senior Executive Panel session is an important ISPI EMEA conference tradition. We assemble a panel of respected senior executives from well-known companies, who are willing to share their thoughts and insights with our conference participants. If you have questions you would like to pose to experienced senior executives from high-profile organizations, this session is your chance! Our Senior Executive Panelists present and discuss their perspectives on the challenges and rewards of building and managing a culture of Performance Improvement in the real world of their business experience. Questions to guide this discussion fare created from ideas suggested by conference registrants in advance of the conference. There is also time within the two-hour session for questions and comments directly from session participants. Lunch and Learn Event – short presentations on a variety of topics The short discussion style presentations within the Lunch and Learn Session, typically feature a single approach, tool or case example. This session is one that both participants and presenters enjoy, partly because of the small group format and the opportunity to select up to three topics or presenters with whom you can learn and share as a participant. For presenters, the small groups allow for much greater interaction with participants and even an opportunity to share from one group to another. Keynote Presentation We always strive to invite professionals or senior executives who are able to contribute relevant, insightful ideas that related to the conference theme and the general intent of our conferences, which is to provide uniquely valuable resources, within a participative atmosphere and an enriched environment that directly supports learning and sharing. Our keynotes are people who have made and continue to make a difference in their own organizations and who, themselves, never stop learning, growing or striving for improved results for their organizations, the marketplace or operating environment in which the organization works and the world or society to which all organizations ultimately contribute. Read more… Concurrent Sessions – 15 – 60 minutes briefings, carefully selected from proposals to present.

Benefits of Participation
We at ISPI Europe/EMEA feel that we have established a way to make our conference a unique experience. The challenges and related opportunities currently facing all organizations command the attention of executives concerned with strategic direction, managers focused on ongoing operations, as well as, performance improvement professionals. You should definitely plan to join us in Warsaw, if you value any or all of the following.
A dynamic, learning and sharing environment, where everyone is seeking to improve their own, their organization’s or their clients’ performance
The conference is organized around a simulation that will run throughout the conference
The simulation experience allows participants to be exposed to performance challenges from real life, but in a safe, supportive environment
An event where the number of participants is purposefully limited to ensure a much greater level of interaction and participation than typical conferences.
A highly interactive format with a proven track record of high value for both presenters and participants
A multinational environment, with participants from San Francisco to Shanghai, which supports relationship and network building, not just an exchange of business cards
An atmosphere that fosters an open exchange of knowledge, experience and innovative ideas in the field of human and organizational performance
A place where all of us can meet and prepare together for the challenges that lie ahead for creating healthy, prosperous organizations and communities.
Mark your calendar now! A successful conference must have BOTH great presenters AND great participants! Once again we plan to use a simulation to involve everyone in an interesting, active way, with a new case and a continuously improving simulation process. Another compelling reason to participate is our Senior Executive Panel session. You don’t want to miss this chance to hear directly from and interact with senior executives. You are invited to come to Warsaw to learn, share and contribute to this uniquely valuable event.

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