International Workshop of Composting and Biogas Technologies (IWCB) and 3nd Academia Scientific Meeting
With this letter, we would like to invite you to attend the 2nd Academia Scientific Meeting: International Workshop of Composting and Biogas Technologies (IWCB) and 3nd Academia Scientific Meeting: International Congress of Agriculture and Environment (ICAE) which takes place November 16-18, 2017 in Antalya, TURKEY.
The congress is an international meeting point for everyone working with enviroment and agriculture or who has an interest in the field. ICAE 2017 and IWCB 2017 will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the latest in agriculture and environment, to discuss with people from all over the world, to share your own work and to learn from others. We expect participants from a wide range of countries, and so invite you to add your ideas and energy to the mix.
The papers presented at the conference will be published at the Conference Proceeding Book. The papers can be published as an article in Academia Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (indexed in Researchbib Index, AcademicKeys, International Institute of Organized Research, General Impact Factor, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index ve Copernicus Index) after a reviewer process
Warm regards,
Language of Congress
Proceedings can be prepared in English or Turkish, and can be presented in the language they are prepared. The proceedings prepared in Turkish must have English abstract and keywords.
Değerli Paydaşlarımız
Sizleri 16-18 Kasım 2017 tarihlerinde Antalya/Türkiye’de düzenleyeceğimiz 2. Akademia Bilimsel Toplantısı: Uluslararası Kompost ve Biyogaz Teknolojileri Çalıştayımıza (IWCB) ve 3. Akademia Bilimsel Toplantısı: Uluslararası Tarım ve Çevre Kongremize (ICAE) davet ediyoruz.
Kongremiz ve çalıştayımız tarım ve çevre alanlarında çalışan tüm paydaşlarımıza açıktır. ICAE 2017 and IWCB 2017 organizasyonlarımız tarım ve çevre alanlarında yeni gelişmeleri takip etmek, dünya çapında konuyla ilgili çalışan araştırmacılarla tartışmak ve yaptığınız çalışmaları sunmak için sizlere güzel bir fırsat yaratacaktır. Organizasyonlarımıza dünyanın farklı ülkelerinden katılımların sağlanmasını ve bu ortamda düşüncelerin paylaşıldığı bir sinerji oluşturmayı hedefliyor ve bizlere katılmanız için sizleri davet ediyoruz.
Kongre ve çalıştayımızda sunulan çalışmalar kongre bildiriler kitabında basılacak (ISBN Numaralı Kongre Kitabı), isteyen katılımcıların bildirileri hakemlik süreçleri sonrasında Researchbib index , AcademicKeys, General Impact Factor, International Institute of Organized Research, Eurasian Scientific Journal index ve Copernicus index tarafından taranmakta olan “Akademia Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi” dergisinde Türkçe veya İngilizce olarak yayınlanacaktır.
Kongre Dili
Bildiriler Türkçe veya İngilizce hazırlanabilir, sunumlar bildirinin hazırlandığı dilde yapılacaktır. Türkçe hazırlanan bildirilerde İngilizce özet ve anahtar kelimeler bulunmalıdır.
Congress Topcs
Environmental Science and Technology
Environmental dynamics
Atmospheric physics
Physical oceanography
Global environmental change and ecosystems management
Climate and climatic changes
Global warming
Ozone layer depletion
Carbon capture and storage
Integrated ecosystems management
Satellite applications in the environment
Environmental restoration and ecological engineering
Habitat reconstruction
Biodiversity conservation
Landscape degradation and restoration
Ground water remediation
Soil decontamination
Environmental sustainability
Resource management
Life cycle analysis
Environmental systems approach
Renewable sources of energy-energy savings
Clean technologies
Sustainable cities
Health and the Environment
Health related organisms
Hazardous substances and detection techniques
Biodegradation of hazardous substances
Toxicity assessment and epidemiological studies
Quality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoring
Indoor air pollution
Water resources and river basin management
Regulatory practice, water quality objectives standard setting, water quality classification
Public participation
Economic instruments
Modelling and decision support tools
Institutional development
Transboundary cooperation
Management and regulation of point and diffuse pollution
Monitoring and analysis of environmental contaminant
Ground water management
Wastewater and sludge treatment
Nutrients removal
Suspended and fixed film biological processes
Anaerobic treatment
Process modelling
Sludge treatment and reuse
Fate of hazardous substances
Industrial wastewater treatment
Advances in biological, physical and chemical processes
On site and small scale systems
Storm-water management
Air pollution and control
Emission sources
Atmospheric modelling and numerical prediction
Interaction between pollutants
Control technologies
Air emission trading
Solid waste management
Waste minimization
Optimization of collection systems
Recycling and reuse
Waste valorization
Technical aspects of treatment and disposal methods (landfilling, thermal treatment etc)
Leachate treatment
Legal, economic and managerial aspects of solid waste management
Management of hazardous solid waste
Water treatment and reclamation
Advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation etc)
Disinfection and disinfection by- products
Management of water treatment residuals
Aesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors)
Effect of distribution systems on potable water quality
Other topics on Environment
Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources (Soil, Water, Environment etc.)
Farming Systems Management
Integrated Pest Management, Plant Health and Nutrition
Biotechnology and Genetics
Soil Research and Rehabilitation
Water Resources Management and Engineering
Seed Science Research
Crop Science
Modern Agronomy, Plant Breeding and Agrochemicals
Agricultural Engineering
Horticulture and Landscaping
Animal Health and Animal Production
Livestock Management
Food Production and Nutrition
Food Security and Food Safety
Post-Harvest Technology and Marketing
Food Processing
Agriculture and Public Health
Urban Agriculture
Agricultural Value Chain
Agriculture Advancement and Development
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Agricultural Education and Capacity Building
Agricultural Research and Extension
Social Interactions of Agriculture
Agricultural Policies and Safety
Community, Regional and International Development of Agriculture
Climate Smart Agriculture
Agricultural Technologies
Other topics on Agriculture