International Networking Day on Factories of the Future

Factories of the Future is a public-private partnership between the European Commission and the research and innovation community aiming at delivering the technologies needed for the new sustainable and competitive manufacturing in Europe. Factories of the Future initiative is implemented under Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. More about the initiative you can find

Poland is the biggest beneficiary of European Structural and Investment Funds, receiving from the EU a budget of over €70 bn in the period of 2014-2020. A substantial amount of these funds will be destined for supporting the development of Polish Research and Development sector.

International Networking Day on Factories of the Future co-organized by National Center for Research and development (NCBR) and the National Contact Point for Research Programmes of the EC (KPK PB UE) aims to present the European and Polish research and innovation opportunities in the area of manufacturing, as well as to increase synergy between EU and national funds.

The event comprises of the Conference with presentations on the funding opportunities and R&I perspectives, as well as collaboration offers, and the Brokerage event providing the opportunity to benefit from face-to-face meetings with other participants of the event in order to establish professional links.

Participants will have the possibility to:

learn about the Factories of the Future in Horizon 2020 calls;

learn about Polish R&I funding system and possibilities of funding synergies;

present own R&I potential and collaboration offer (after confirmation from organizers);

meet other attendees during bilateral meetings and discuss with them collaboration opportunities.

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