International Graduate Conference (IGC)

The Lebanese American University
Department of Education
In collaboration with the British Council

Is pleased to announce the first

International Graduate Conference (IGC)

Between Questions and Findings:
Educational Research from around the Globe
Friday, April 8, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016

This conference is organized to encourage graduate students in Education to present their research to an audience of peers who may be at various stages in their research projects in order to (1) assist them in developing their research ideas through exposure to a diversity of topics, methodologies and research strategies, (2) gain experience in presenting and communicating research to peers as well as other audiences, and (3) provide them with a platform for networking.
The topic of this year’s conference is
Between Questions and Findings: Educational Research from around the Globe
There will be a keynote speaker, parallel paper sessions and roundtable discussions for students. Several poster sessions will be held during breaks (coffee, lunch, etc.) for students to interact, network, and discuss their research ideas.
The LAU Writing Center will have a booth to help with presentations.
First Call for Papers

The aim of the IGC is to provide a platform to MA and PhD graduate students to meet, present, and discuss their research work (completed or in progress) in educational studies.

Conference Themes include but are not confined to the following areas
Education Management and Leadership
STEM Education
Teaching English, French, or Arabic
Early Childhood Education
History and Policy
Teaching Social Studies

Types of Contributions:
Oral Presentation:
Each presentation will last 25 minutes; 15 minutes for the presentation and 10 minutes for questions.

Poster Presentation:
Your poster will be exhibited during the conference poster session. These sessions will provide an opportunity for the researchers to display the methodology and the results of their papers.

We welcome proposals from graduate students in education or related fields of study.
Please include the following information in your proposal:
Name of Graduate Program/Institution (current or most recent):
Title of Proposed Presentation:

Presentation Abstract (Maximum 300 words):
Submitted abstracts should conform to acceptable academic standards for inclusion in the conference program.
The abstract should state the purpose of the research, research questions, instruments, data analysis, findings, and conclusions (if completed).
Abstracts may be submitted in English, Arabic or French
Send one copy of the abstract complete with the title, author’s name, and affiliation, and an autobiography of 50 words.
Papers are to be planned for a 15-minute presentation and a 10-minute discussion.

Email two copies of your abstract (same email) to Dr. Rima Bahous,
One copy with your name and affiliation
One copy without names

Important Dates to Remember
Deadline for abstract submission: February 28, 2016
Deadline for registration: March 20,2 016
Conference Date and location:
Friday, April 8 and Saturday, April 9, 2016 at the Lebanese American University, Beirut campus

Registration fee for presenters and attendees: $60 or LL 90, 000

Stay tuned for more announcements in the future! If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Rima Bahous:

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