International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications

Dear Colleague, It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 5th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematical Sciences and Applications. This event will be held  Belgrade, Serbia.

Belgrade is the capital and largest city of Serbia. Its name translates to White city. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe. The city lies at the confluence of the Sava and the Danube in central Serbia, where the Pannonian Plain meets the Balkan Peninsula.

After the following four very successful international conferences; IECMSA-2012, Prishtine, Kosovo, IECMSA-2013, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, IECMSA-2014, Vienna, Austria, and IECMSA-2015, Athens, Greece, now IECMSA-2016 will be held in another one of the cradles of civilization Belgrade.

This conference is supported by Sakarya University, Kocaeli University, Bilecik Seyh Edebali University, Namik Kemal University, International Novi Pazar University, Baku State University, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Turkic World Mathematical Society, and International Balkan University.

The main aim of this conference is to contribute to the development of mathematical sciences and its applications and to bring together the members of the mathematics community, interdisciplinary researchers, educators, mathematicians, statisticians and engineers from all over the world.

The conference will present new results and future challenges, in series of invited and short talks and poster presentations. The presentations can be done in the language of English and Turkish. Also, original, unpublished papers are invited for presentation in the conference IECMSA-2016. All presented paper’s abstracts will be published in the conference proceeding. Moreover, selected and peer review articles will be published in the following journals:

Advances in Difference Equations (SCI)
Journal of Inequalities and Applications (SCI)
TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (ESCI)
Mathematica Moravica
International Electronic Journal of Geometry
Mathematical Sciences and Applications E-Notes
Konuralp Journal of Mathematics
International Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics

We hope you will attend and contribute to the “5th International Eurasian Conference on Mathematics Sciences and Applications” (IECMSA-2016).

We look forward to seeing you in Belgrade, Serbia.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

* Algebra
* Applied Mathematics
* Discrete Mathematics
* Finite Mathematics
* Fractals
* Geometry
* History of Mathematics
* Logic
* Analysis
* Number Theory
* Numerical Analysis
* Topology
* Computational Mathematics
* Cross-disciplinary areas of Math.
* Other Areas of Mathematics

Mathematical Statistics

* Applied Statistics
* Business Statistics
* Computational Statistics
* Computer Simulations
* Econometrics
* Environmental Statistics
* Industrial Statistics
* Mathematical Statistics
* Operations Research
* Probability
* Quantitative Methods
* Statistical Modeling

Mathematical Modeling in Environmental Sciences
* Mathematical Modeling in Ecology
* Population Dynamics
* Modeling of Marine Environment
* Modeling of Sand Dune Migration

Mathematics Education

* Strategies in Mathematics Education
* Educational Statistics
* Active Learning
* Use of Technology in Teaching


* Mathematical Biology
* Biostatistics
* Environmental Statistics
* Medical Statistics

Financial Mathematics

* Financial Mathematics
* Modelling of Financial Derivatives
* Financial Options
* Management Science

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