International Congress on Multidisciplinary Approach to Elderly Health and Care
Dear Participants,
On behalf of Başkent University Faculty of Health Sciences and our project partners, we are delighted to invite you to ‘International Congress on Multidisciplinary Approach to Elderly Health and Care’ which will be held in Ankara, Turkey, 22-23 March 2018. This congress has been organised in partnership with the Erasmus University Medical Center-The Netherlands, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome-Italy, International Federation of Respect for Older Persons, Geriatric Nursing Association, Etimesgut Municipality and ImOnTech.
The Congress offers two days of unprecedented scientific, educational, and networking opportunities for all stakeholders active in the field of elderly health and care around the world. In this context, we would like to meet national and international speakers who are the experts in this field to share their experiences.
In conjunction with the scientific program, a number of social events that best highlight the cultural and historical treasures of Ankara as well as Cappadocia will be organized for all of our guests to take part in. We would like to thank to you in advance for your interest and contribution. We look forward to welcoming you all to Ankara in 2018 for an outstanding congress.
Yours sincerely,
Şahin Kavuncubaşı
Sultan Kav
Gül Kızıltan
The following guidelines are provided to assist you to submit your abstract. Please follow the instructions when completing the abstract form.
Abstracts can only be submitted online to adress. Abstracts submitted via fax, mail or others will not be accepted.
Papers and posters submitted for presentation at the congress should be an original research work and should not have been previously presented at any other national or international congress before.
Full name, academic title and the institution/university of each author, and the name of the university/ institution/clinic/department/unit where the research has been done should be clearly written. Corresponding and co-authors should be clearly stated.
It is the right of the Scientific Committee to accept or reject the submissions.
The authors are asked to state their presentation preference: Oral presentation or poster presentation at the top of the abstract paper submitted. However, it is possible that Scientific Committe has the right to change the presentation preference: The authors may instead be invited to present their work as a poster or vice versa.
Abstracts should be submitted in the form of Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx).
Abstract should be Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double spaced. Margins from left and right sides should be 2,5 cm.
Abstracts should not be more than 500 words and should not include any table or figures.
Abstracts should not be more than one paragraph.
Abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible. If necessary, explanations should be made in the text.
Abstract should be submitted in English
Abstract form should be organized as TITLE, AUTHOR(S), ABSTRACT CONTENT, respectively.
The title should be as brief as possible, but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study. Only the first letters of each word shoul be capitalized. Author(s) should be written in the order of FIRST NAME, SURNAME. The first letter of the authors first name should be capitalized only. Letters of the authors sur name should all be capitalized. Full names of each author’s instution/university, unit/department, and city should be written according to author order The abstracts content should be organized as Aim, Material and Method, Results, and Conclusion respectively.
Key words should not be less than 3 more than 5.
Key words should be selected from MeSH (Medical Subject Headings,
Presenting author’s name should be underlined.
Abstract content is fully under responsibility of authors.
Review Process
All abstracts will be reviewed for their quality and relevance anonymously by the Scientific Committee. It is the right of the Scientific Committee to accept or reject the submissions.
Accepted Poster Presentations: In addition to all the guidelines above; Poster form: Width: 70 cm, Length: 90 cm, it should be prepared in English.
Accepted Oral Presentations: The presentation language may be in Turkish or English. However, slides of all notifications must be prepared in English.
Submission | Notification
18 December 2017 Changed to; 15 January 2018 – Abstract submission deadline
10 January 2018 – Notification email about status of abstract sent to the corresponding
In order to be scheduled accepted abstracts on scientific programme, presenting author has to complete registration.
Accepted and presented abstracts will be published in congress booklet.