International Congress on Entepreneurship (ICE 2017)

Greeting from the 2017 International Congress on Entepreneurship (ICE 2017)

Since Richard Cantillon was first coined the term ”entrepreneur” in 1755 as the undertaker in risky business ventures, the nature of economic life has changed radically. Today’s global economy is a dynamic knowledge economy that expeditiously pulls down non-competitive businesses. The number of startups often reflects the opportunities for entrepreneurial spirit. Schumpeterian entrepreneurship comprises innovative individuals who identify opportunities, evaluate them as viable, and then decide to exploit them. However, with the acceleration of innovation and disruption, it is not possible to fully comprehend or anticipate the direction of progress. Consumers, businesses and governments, decision makers in short, face hard times about the pace of the integration of technology in our lives. At the local and regional level SMEs play central mission in economic and technological development. Entrepreneurial competitiveness at the global level increased due to growing youth unemployment with high educational backgrounds. The potential entrepreneur financing options in both private sector and government startup programs transform the rules of the game.

Based on these facts, organizing committee of the 8th International Congress on Entrepreneurship decided this year’s theme to be “Local, Regional and Global Dynamics of Entrepreneurship”. The congress will be held in coastal Burhaniye district of Balıkesir, Turkey from July 7 to 9, 2016, with the collaboration of Balıkesir University, Celal Bayar University and Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University. ICE 2017 will feature Plenary Sessions, Symposia, Oral Communications, Case Study and Success Story. The oral presentation of accepted papers can be in Turkish, Kyrgyz, English or Russian.

We look forward to your participation.

Organizing Committee of the ICE 2017.

Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to submit original, unpublished contributions. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Clustering-Technoparks
– Creative Destruction and Schumpeterian Entrepreneurship
– Ecological Entrepreneurship
– Entrepreneurship Support Policies
– Entrepreneurship in Turkey and in the World
– Financial Instruments for the Development of Entrepreneurship
– History of Entrepreneurship
– Indexes of Economic Freedom and Doing Business
– Information, Technology and Entrepreneurship
– Innovation and Creativity
– Responsible Entrepreneurship
– Startups
– SMEs and Entrepreneurship
– Social Entrepreneurship
– Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship
– Women Entrepreneurship
– Youth Entrepreneurship
– Also all studies related to entrepreneurship in social sciences are welcome.

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.