International Conference on Innovative Teaching and Technology in Higher Education

The aim of the conference is to create awareness of innovative teaching methods and the use of instructional technologies in higher education by sharing with academics and other stakeholders of ideas about their efficient use and impact on teaching. Today, instructional technologies allow learning to be individualized and learners are enabled to learn at their own pace and in line with their abilities. Thanks to new technologies today’s students and instructors spend less time to achieve their target learning goals. Instructors can communicate with the new generation of students more effectively using innovative teaching techniques, making the learning experience more interactive and effective.

Objective and Themes

– To create awareness of innovative teaching and learning technologies,
– To share ideas about innovative teaching methods and the use of instructional technologies,
– To discuss the effect of innovative teaching and technology usage on the quality standards of higher education institutions.

Who should attend?

– Academics and practitioners,
– Managers/Executives of higher education institutions,
– Instructional technology specialists.

Conference Program

09:00 – 09:30 Registration

09:30 – 10:00 Opening Ceremony

Prof. Dr. Hasan Bülent KAHRAMAN, Vice Rector, Kadir Has University

10:00 – 12:00 Session 1: Teaching and Learning Technology Applications in Higher Education

Moderator: İpek İLİ ERDOĞMUŞ, Kadir Has University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tufan ADIGÜZEL, “Issues, Trends and Tips of e-Learning in Higher Education”, Bahçeşehir University

Ozan VARLI, “Innovative Solutions in Higher Education Contexts: The Case of Koc University”, Koç University

Dr. Caroline FELL KURBAN, “Implementation and Continuation of Flipped Learning at MEF University”, MEF University

12:00 – 13:00 Lunch Break

13:00 – 15:00 Session 2: The Place of Innovative Teaching in Qualitative and Quantitative Research Area

Moderator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meltem ŞENGÜN UCAL, Kadir Has University

Prof. Dr. Kürşat ÇAĞILTAY, “Research Trends in Technology Enhanced Learning for Higher Education: Reflections from Turkey and the World”, Middle East Technical University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat SÖZER, “Examples of Educational Technology Related Research in Higher Education”, Koç University

Prof. Dr. İlhan VARANK, “Conducting Research on Teaching and Learning Processes in Your Own Course”, Yıldız Technical University

15:00 – 15:15 Coffee Break

15:15 – 17:15 Session 3: How will the technology improvements shape the future of higher education?,

Moderator: Dan PETERS, “Advancing Cultures of Innovation in Higher Education”, Blackboard

Fadi KHALEK, “The Avalanche is Coming”, Pearson Education

Dr. Stuart E. TRAFFORD, “Learning Technology for 21st Century Teacher”, itsLearning

Adres: Kadir Has Caddesi Cibali / İSTANBUL 34083 Has
Telefon: +90 (212) 533 65 32

Registration Form:

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