International Conference on Innovative Engineering Applications

International Conference on Innovative Engineering Applications

Dear Colleagues,

The conference firstly organized by Cumhuriyet University and Munzur University will be held three-day in Sivas, Turkey during September 20- 22, 2018. CIEA’ 2018 provides an ideal academic platform for researchers to present the latest research findings and describe emerging technologies, and directions in innovative and advanced engineering applications.

The conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of innovative and advanced engineering applications. It also provides the premier interdisciplinary forum for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in all areas of advanced technologies. The conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world.

The programme combines plenary and parallel oral sessions featuring invited presentations by a number of internationally recognized experts and will also include both contributed oral and poster presentations. Accepted abstracts will be assigned to oral and poster presentations, based on recommendations from the Scientific Committee.

We hope to see you join us in Sivas, Turkey during September 20 – 22, 2018 for what promises to be a memorable conference.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Hikmet ESEN

Asst. Prof. Dr. Serdar MERCAN

Conference Chairs


Please let us know

If you have any questions about registration, abstract submission, accommodation, transfer and other details please contact CONFERENCE SECRETARY.


The official languages of the conference English and Turkish. Proposals can be sent and be presented in either language .



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