International Conference on Engineering Technologies

International Conference on Engineering Technologies

Dear Colleagues,

International Conference on Engineering Technologieswill be held on December 7 – 9, 2017, at Selcuk University in Konya, Turkey.

The ICENTE’17 conference is designed to bring together leading international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and users of advanced technologies and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in all the field of technologies.

The conference will provide a platform to present the results of the researches and developments and to highlight related activities from around the world.

The contributions will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee. The papers approved by the scientific committee will be presented. The selected papers presented in the conference that match with the topics of the journals will be published in the journal of Selçuk-Teknik

We will be pleased to form a common platform where you can share your expertise, experience, and resources with your colleagues. Wishing to meet in Konya.

Best regards,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail SARITAŞ
On the behalf of Organizing Committee


BioImaging and BioSignals
Biomechatronics and Applications
Biosensors, BioMEMs & Lab-on-Chip
Micro / Nano Biomedical Devices & Systems
Health Informatics
Surgical Robotics and Navigation
Rehabilitation Robotics
3D Bioprinting
Computer-Integrated & Computer-Assisted Surgery
Ergonomics & Human Factors
Medical Robotics
Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology
Wearable Devices
BioMechanics and Mechanobiology
Engineering/Synthetic Biology
Bioelectronic Devices

Artificial intelligence
Data processing and security
Disturbed systems
Network security
Parallel programming
Risk Management
Security of knowledge
Software programming

Automation and control
Communication techniques and systems
Circuit applications and simulations
Electrical machines
Electric transmission and distribution
Energy production
Medical electronics
Optic electronics
Power electronics
Signal processing

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
Computational Materials
Control methods
Cutting Tool Technologies
Design and Production Methods
Design and Production of Mechanical Systems
Engineering Design Methodology and Design Models
Flexible and Distributed Manufacturing Systems
Grinding and other abrasive methods
High performance machining
Intelligent Systems in Mechanical Design and Manufacturing
Machine Design and Mechanical System Design, Analysis and Damage Formation
Machining Technologies and Modelling
Machining planning
Mechanical Design and Applications
Non-traditional manufacturing process
Production System Modeling and Simulation
Process Sourced Residual Stress
Process Stability Analysis
Structural Materials
Tool condition monitoring
Renewable energy resources
Environmental pollution and control
HVAC and automation
Hydraulic and pneumatic systems
Instrumentation systems at heating technique
Computational Methods in Energy
Fluid Power
Heat and Mass Transfer
Hydrogen Energy Technologies
Fuel Cells Technologies

Autonomous Systems
Biomechatronics and Applications
Calibration and Measurement
Intelligent Materials and Active Control
Mechatronic Education
Micro-electronic and Micro-mechanical Systems
Novel Mechatronic Systems
Robot Intelligence
Space and Underwater Applications
Wireless Sensors and Distributed Control

Advanced Materials
Batteries and Energy Materials
Composite Materials
Ceramics & Glasses
Carbon Based Materials
Electronic Materials
Electro- and Physical Chemistry
Hybrid Optical Materials (Organic/Inorganic)
Materials Physics
Materials Processing and Handling
Metallurgical Physical Chemistry
Metallurgical Fundamentals and Techniques
Metallurgy of Iron-Steel and Nonferrous Materials
Materials Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry
Magnetic Materials
Materials Characterization
Mining, Metallurgy and Material Science
Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Optical Materials
Powder Metallurgy
Polymer Science
Surface Phenomena and Interfaces
Welding and Joining

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