Aim and Objectives
The purpose of the International Conference on Analysis and Its Applications (ICAA-2016) is to bring together experts and young analysts from all over the world working in analysis and its applications to present their researches, to exchange new ideas, to discuss challenging issues, to foster future collaborations and to interact with each other.
Topics to be covered
Nonlinear and variational analysis are rapidly growing areas of Mathematics with numerous applications to optimization, control theory, economics, engineering, and other disciplines. The main objective of the workshop is to discuss recent results in nonlinear and variational analysis and their applications, particularly to fixed point theory, optimization and applications to medicine. On the other hand, the modern summability theory plays a very important role in linking theory of sequence spaces and matrix transformations with measures of noncompactness. Measures of noncompactness are widely used tools in fixed point theory, differential equations, functional equations, integral and integro-differential equations, optimization, etc. In recent years, measures of noncompactness have also been used in defining geometric properties of Banach spaces as well as in characterizing compact operators between sequence spaces. We expect the participation of many prominent experts from different countries who will present the state-of-the-art in summability theory, sequence spaces, approximation theory, nonlinear analysis, variational analysis, optimization, and their applications.
Approximation by Linear and Nonlinear Operators
Fixed Point Theory and its Applications
Applications in Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations
Fourier, Wavelet and Harmonic Analysis Methods in Function Spaces
Variational Analysis Including Variational Inequalities
Optimization and its Applications
Convex Analysis and its Applications
Spectral Theory and Diferential Operators
Geometry of Banach Spaces
Modern Methods in Summability and Approximation
Sequence Spaces and Matrix Transformation
Deadline for abstract submission: 20 June 2016
Deadline for registration: 20 June 2016
Schedule announcement: 01 July 2016
Conference date: 12-15 July 2016
Address: Bağbaşı, Sahir Kurutluoğlu Street No:100, 40100 Kırşehir /Turkey