4th, 5th and 6th of March, 2013
Valencia (Spain)
Abstracts submission deadline: 29th of November 2012
Online submission at

INTED2013 (7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference) will be held in Valencia (Spain) on the 4th, 5th and 6th of March, 2013.

It is an annual meeting point for lecturers, researchers, educational scientists and technologists from all disciplines. This international event provides an excellent opportunity to present and share your experiences in the fields of Education, Technology and Development.

The attendance of more than 700 delegates from 70 different countries is expected.

There are 3 presentation modalities: ORAL, POSTER and VIRTUAL

You can submit your abstracts before the 29th of November 2012 (included) at:

Two ISBN publications (INTED2013 Abstracts CD and INTED2013 Proceedings CD) will be produced with all accepted abstracts and papers. Accepted contributions will be included in our Digital Library database of Education and Research innovation projects.

In addition, you will be able to enjoy the beautiful city of Valencia, its historical places, lovely beaches and unique gastronomy.

We look forward to seeing you in Valencia!
Best regards,

INTED2013 Technical Secretariat

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