In a STEM Education school

STEM school
STEM Education school

Applied course activities are part of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses. Students actively participate in the learning process through project-based and inquiry-based learning activities. STEM course topics and applications are based on solving real world problems and problems. There is interdisciplinary collaboration among teachers to determine students’ learning needs and interests. Thus, project-based learning activities with clear objectives are included in STEM courses. Project-based teaching and inquiry-based learning methods are used to solve open-ended problems.

STEM education is included in the school’s strategic plan and its objectives are reflected in all strategic plan documents. School’s curriculum applications allow interdisciplinary learning practices. Teachers who implement the curriculum can perform interdisciplinary STEM activities. Sufficient time and resources have been provided for teachers and students to work on interdisciplinary STEM projects in the implementation of the curriculum. The curriculum includes STEM education. Curriculum applications provide opportunities to attract and sustain students’ interest in STEM areas. At school, STEM lessons are associated with the solution of real-world problems, while other lessons include complementary STEM activities.

Students’ individualized learning development is monitored and their personal development, interests and abilities are revealed. Project-based learning activities are developed to determine students’ learning needs and interests in STEM professions. There is interdisciplinary cooperation among teachers to develop project-based learning activities. Project activities are carried out within STEM courses. Students are given systematic feedback on their interests and abilities.

There are methods that teachers determine interdisciplinary jointly for the evaluation of STEM course activities and projects. Teachers evaluate the impact of interdisciplinary projects on learning. With STEM projects, teachers use various assessment methods to reveal their students’ individual interests and abilities. The students are given systematic feedback about their individual interests and abilities resulting from STEM projects.

The school has a broad participation STEM education team with collaboration among teachers. School Management focuses on interdisciplinary STEM education with this team, where the majority of teachers participate. It helps school management teachers in planning and implementing their professional development in STEM education. It provides teachers time and opportunity to participate in workshops and trainings (inside and outside the school) or to organize training related to STEM education.

The school has special areas for STEM activities for students. For example: STEM Lab, FAB Lab, Robotic Lab, Virtual Reality Lab, 3D printers, Maker area, etc. These fields have the necessary materials for students to produce and create new products and use them in STEM education. Sustainable, objective and continuous STEM training is carried out at school using all available tools and materials available for students to create projects or create products.

The school cooperates with external stakeholders in a sustainable, realistic and continuous manner for STEM education. It conducts out-of-school learning activities (in science museums, industry, STEM centers, etc.) for STEM education. Cooperation environment is created by making agreements with stakeholders outside the school for STEM education. For example; Learning activities are organized in cooperation with industry organizations aiming to provide information to teachers and students in their real environment about STEM professions.

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