III. International Dynamic, Explorative and Active Learning (IDEAL) Conference

III. International Dynamic, Explorative and Active Learning (IDEAL) Conference
Conference Theme: Interdisciplinary Educational Researches

September 1-3, 2016

Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey

We are pleased to announce III. International Dynamic, Explorative, and Active Learning (IDEAL) conference. The third meeting of the series will be hosted by Ondokuz Mayıs University in Samsun, TURKEY.

For this third meeting, we seek for both research and theoretical papers delving into a deep understanding of dynamic, explorative, visual, and/or active learning in disciplines of education.

Technology lies at the heart of the IDEAL Conference series. We are specifically concerned about the ways in which technology is used as a learning agent to achieve learning objectives addressing the needs of Net Generation, the generation who grows up in technology, and the evolving learning practices concerning this new generation as well as using technology in extending learners’ cognitive abilities by benefitting from technology.

We encourage researchers to submit papers that:

present innovative approaches of using technology in dynamic, explorative and active, visual learning, and/or any combination of these;
report research on dynamic, explorative, and/or active as well as visual learning;
stimulate our thoughts to advance in current practices on the use of technology;
encourage scholarly inquiry related to the needs of Net Generation;
explore the evolution of learning styles of Net Generation.
Also, we would like to hear about:

STEM applications in classroom;
Student experience in using technology in classroom;
Student experience in using technology while doing homework;
Classroom implementation of current technologies at any discipline and any level;
Teacher reflections on implementing technology into their classroom;
Pre-service teacher expectations of using technology;
Online collaborations involving dynamic and/or explorative learning;
Future expectations of students, in-service teachers, pre-service teachers, educators and policy makers;
Educator reflections on the current implementation of technology at any level and discipline;
All proceedings will be peer-reviewed. All proceedings will be published in the Participatory Educational Research journal.

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.