It is a great pleasure to invite you to the sixth annual conference of ICOVACS 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey.

ICOVACS 2015, International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability, will take place at Marmara University, Goztepe Campus, during March 12-13, 2015. This year’s conference theme, “Performance Measurement in Operations Management”, invites you to discuss and examine the performance measurement in order to develop sustainable value chains unlocking new sources of competitiveness in manufacturing and service industries. The conference is organized by Marmara University (Turkey) in collaboration with Izmir University of Economics (Turkey), Yıldız Technical University (Turkey), Tilburg University (The Netherlands), and Oklahoma State University (USA).

ICOVACS 2015 is the sixth in a conference series that aims to bring researchers in academe, industry and government from various countries together over a two-day period in March to present and discuss performance measurement issues in the field of Operations Management.

The first ICOVACS conference was held in Izmir, Turkey in 2008 with the theme “Integrating Design, Logistics and Branding for Sustainable Value Creation”. ICOVACS 2009 was held in Louisville, Kentucky with the theme “Product Design, Branding and Logistics as a Leadership Strategy in a Global Market”. The third ICOVACS conference was held in Valencia, Spain in 2010 with the theme “Towards a Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Strategies in the 21st Century Global Market”. ICOVACS 2011 conference was held in Leuven, Belgium with theme “Sustainable Value Chain Services – Achieving Higher Performance in Health Care”. The fifth ICOVACS conference was held in Izmir, Turkey in 2012 with the theme “Value Chain Sustainability through Innovation and Design”.

All abstracts and full papers will be peer-reviewed. All accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings in CD format. Programme and abstracts will be published in a conference book . Authors of selected papers will be invited to extend their papers for publication in international journals.

We are looking forward to your paper submission and participation at ICOVACS 2015 in beautiful city Istanbul.

International Organizing Committee



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