IBO National Biology Olympiads

gifted biology
gifted biology

IBO National Biology Olympiads
As the premier high school biology student competition worldwide, we aim to identify, inspire, empower and support the next generation of leaders in the life sciences and to develop their international network.

The 32nd International Biology Olympiad is scheduled to take place 18-25 July 2021 in Lisbon, Portugal. More information,as well as a specific website, will be announced in late autumn.

Students who want to participate in IBO must first become one of the top four students in their respective National Biology Olympiads (NBO). NBOs select the contestants for IBO in typically 3-5 consecutively more difficult national competition rounds.

During IBO, students have to participate in Theoretical and Practical Exams. The Theoretical Exams encompass ca. 100 tasks in largely closed-ended format (e.g., multiple true-false). These tasks cover all domains of biology and require students to apply their science knowledge in analyzing advanced biological phenomena. The Practicals typically fall into 3-4 laboratories. The content domains for each Practical are announced ca. 6-12 months before an IBO. In the lab, students showcase biological skills by conducting investigations and analyzing data.

There is currently no published syllabus / curriculum for IBO. However, some binding regulations on what IBO exams have to cover in terms of contents and practicals skills are documented in IBO’s Operational Guidelines.

Future competitions

2021: 32nd IBO in Lisbon, Portugal
July 18 – 25, 2021
Status: accepted

2022: 33rd IBO in Yerevan, Armenia
July 10 – 18, 2022
Status: accepted

2023: 34th IBO in Russia
Status: accepted

2024: 35th IBO in Kazakhstan
Status: preliminary

2025: 36th IBO in Manila, Philippines
July 13 – 19, 2025
Status: preliminary

Contact the IBO Office
c/o Dr. Sebastian Opitz
Email: ibo-office@leibniz-ipn.de
Olshausenstr. 62, 24118 Kiel

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